yg syioknye, of course la org2 yg bercuti sakan seperti aku... menikmati percutian dengan senang lenang.. mmg sungguh tepat, time aku cuti gini la so many events diadakan kat kuching..
last week ada konsert reunion AF7, jom heboh TV3, pesta regatta (special edition katenye, bersempena dgn Majlis Persidangan Raja-raja Malaysia), pertunjukan kapal2 berhias etc..
this week pulak, pesta regatta continues (this time, for the public - well, people really standardize themselves, dont they?), kraftangan showcase pun ada, showcase cuti2 malaysia begins, 'permaidani kpg' pun dah dirasmikan... nak dikontotkan cerita, these several weeks are the weeks of festivals!
in this entry aku just update gambar2 dari last week's events - taken during the full dress rehearsal for AF7 reunion concert (masa real concert keesokan harinya, aku tak lalu nk snap2. konon nak mengutuk, eh! menghayati! ampun!) di Padang Merdeka, Kuching and Jom Heboh TV3 di perkarangan Stadium Negeri Sarawak, Kuching.. let the pics elaborate the details!
Konsert Reunion AF7
(full dress rehearsal, 23rd July 2009)