25 September 2009

::: >>> My 5th Syawal

5th Syawal. 1st clinic-of-the-year experience

1) hajat di hati nak attend cardio clinic (1st clinic for this year tau!!!).. alih2, after sesat dlm hospital for a good 15minutes (nampak sgt jarang pegi hosp smpai tak jumpe jalan.. tolong tolong!!!), tup tup dapat tau cardio clinic cancelled due to them having audit that afternoon.. (haih kalau aku tau, baik xyah bgn tdo lagi..)


2) last2 terpaksalah menjadi skema buat2 baik, mencarik replacement clinic.. menuju ke allergy clinic.. 1st time jumpe Prof W yg agak la kusut masai rupanya. baju pun separuh tucked-in separuh lagi bergelimpangan.. nampak peyot la prof.. (sexy! grrrr....!)

3) 1st patient came in, aku yg baik hati offered kerusi to her son. Prof W yg sexy pun bgn nk angkat the kerusi from my place.. oppss.. terlanggar montot aku! adeh la, 1st time jumpe Prof W ni, dah siap main laga2 montot.. ayyoo.. sorry. (mohon maaf zahir & batin..)

4) before went home, Prof W bg soklan cepu emas.. 'What is the clinical definition of allergy?' hambek!!! erk? immune response? adverse reaction? ntah.. hello! i WAS supposed to attend CARDIO clinic! NOT allergy clinic! (Lord, HELP!)

5) balik dgn senang hati, tanpa rasa bersalah after xtau the clinical defination of allergy..


moral for today : hari raya ke-5, raya lagi la weii...!

| esok raya ke-6.. |