17 August 2010

::: Abang's Wedding

Sorry ar... Lambat lagi menunaikan janji..

Sepanjang 3 hari berturut-turut majlis kenduri kawen Abang Ejan & Kak Ida berlangsung tu (Jumaat akad nikah, Sabtu Reception sebelah Kak Ida, Ahad Reception sebelah kitorang), aku tak captured pictures for personal collection sangat pun. Mostly mintak tolong my cousins or relatives to hold my camera. But too bad, on Friday & Saturday mostly gambar-gambar yang diorang captured tak memenuhi citarasa and hangin aku.

Jadi makanya, have to wait for the official album to be completed by the end of this month. So bersabar la ye kalau nak tengok gambar-gambar yang mengancam dan officially taken by the Professional Photographer.

Luckily on Sunday, Incik Macha datang bawak SLR (well should I say 'after dipaksa dan dipujuk' hik~) so banyak gambar he captured can express the moments. Million thanks to Incik Macha.. P/s: I sayang you lebih la cenggitu...~

So here are just few of them yang taken on Sunday Reception. Tak boleh nak upload semua. Nanti hilang seri.. Hahahahaha.. Enjoy!

Sekian dulu buat masa ini~ Nak pergi berbuka puasa!!

| cepatlah datang duhai DSLR |

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