9 August 2010

::: Cerita Kawen-kawen

Eleh korang.. Aku saje je nak bikin panas. Bukan ada berita panas mane pun..

Just nak kabar yang pada 30 Julai 2010 haritu, Abg Ejan dah selamat menikahi Kak Ida. Dengan sekali lafaz.. Auw~ Then on the 31st of July berlangsungnya Reception for Kak Ida's side. Esoknyer on the 1st of August, Reception on our side pulak..

Alhamdulillah segala-galanya berjalan lancar. Penat memang super duper penat. Walaupun most parts of the Reception, semua catering & boutique yang uruskan but somehow the tiring part was inevitable. Penat syok sendiri maybe.. Hehehehe.

Too bad aku tak boleh nak upload gambar-gambar from the events sekarang. Al-maklumlah, pakai broadband.. Tunggu aku balik Kuching this Thursday night. Akan ku hamburkan segala unsur untuk tatapan bebola mata korang :)

Another big news - Incik Macha pun turut hadir sama on that Sunday Reception. Well though things were not perfect but I am so glad that my parents finally met him. Eventhough quite quick, I guess it is pretty enough for the time being. At least now they know to whom I am 'befriend' with..

Itu je la kot.. Kang aku sebar semua big news at one go, tak best la pulak kan. So tunggu aku upload the pictures from my Abg Ejan & Kak Ida's Receptions this Thursday or Friday wokey mates!

After that, kita cerita-cerita lagi.. Kap kap kappppp~


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