18 December 2022

::: 2022 and its near end

It is near the end of 2022. 

It really goes by at a blink of an eye.

This year started with hope - loadssss of it. And I thought this year will end with a stronger vibe.

But I was wrong. Mehhhhh.

Tests and challenges are in fact signs of Allah's reminder as well as blessings.

Nothing good comes easy, I believe.

Allah made a person, K, came into my life - but it was short lived.

Promises were broken, memories were dark.

But I am gonna look at this from a positive perspective.

I know I do not lose anything. 

I am on the winning end - big win.

He came at a good time, really.  And I thought I was ready. Yet no, I was actually never ready.

Again, I know now that it was a test from Him the al-Mighty.

To remind me that I should always rely on Him.

- during the goods and the bads, the ups and the downs.

La hawla wala quwwata illa billah...

I may have no shoulder to cry on sometimes, but I always have a ground to put my head and shed my tears on.

Because only Allah is the ultimate Listener.

May the end of 2022, marks a good start of the upcoming years. I am all ready.

Embarking a new journey of freedom and self-love - inshaAllah.

| May Allah removes this testing sorrow from me |

21 July 2022

::: Hello 2022

In a blink of an eye

Another year has passed by

And today is another day

I whine and sigh and cry

For the secret that I hold 

As dark as the gloomy night sky

| Tomorrow is always a chance to be better |

26 April 2020

:: 2020 and COVID-19

Assalammualaikum and hello everyone.
It has been a while. A long while.

2020 kicked in nearly 5 months ago, with its big challange.
Everybody is fighting COVID-19 around the globe.
So am I. So does everyone.

I am doing okay, if you may ask.
Tough time as a frontliner.

Nonetheless, this is a great experience.
Seeing how unity can keep us going and ignorance breaks us apart.
We really are capable of anything.
It is just a matter of efforts and tolerance.

Ive been on daily exposure for the past 2 weeks.
Been swabbed 2 times, Alhamdulillah both were negatives.

Tomorrow I will begin my 1 week of quarantine leave before starting another long roster afterwards.

May all is well. InshaAllah.

| we can do this |

14 April 2019

::: Signing Off

Esok, the long journey begins.
Doakan aku selamat pergi.
Semoga juga akan kembali.
Doakan semuanya baik-baik saja.

Apalah sangat yang nak ditinggalkan.
Tak luak hidup.
Tak luak perasaan.
Tak luak apa saja.

Allah kan ada.

| you are not worthy of this space |

13 October 2018


Some of you may have already know that I was involved in IMARET Humanitarian Relief Mission to Cox's Bazar Bangladesh for The Rohingyans earlier this year. The journey was an eye opening.

As of now, the mission is still ongoing. IMARET is still deploying teams to Cox's Bazar fortnightly, bringing aids to the needful.

However, as another saddening news emerged over this last 2 weeks, clearly our neighbouring county is in need of our assistance too.

Hence, IMARET is sending our volunteers over to Sulawesi, to show them support and to offer aids wherever possible, mainly in the medical services.


IMARET team’s report for the day on 5/10/2018:

From mobile clinic we have moved on to setting up a field hospital to help those in dire need of medical attention

Thank you for the donations raised so far: RM120,000! We still need more for our relief efforts.


Help Us to Help Them
Charity Begins With You

Help us to help them by donating: 

Persatuan Perubatan Islam Malaysia
CIMB: 8600703709
Swift code: CTBBMYKL
Reference: Sulawesi

#IMARET4Sulawesi #keranakitabersaudara #charitybeginswithyou

| kerana kita bersaudara |

26 April 2018


I have been in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh (to be specific in the Kutupalong Refugees Camp) for Rohingyan Humanitarian Relief Mission since 12th April 2018, representing IMARET, in collaboration with Malaysian Field Hospital (MFH) and OBATHelpers. There is so much to share.

Will update once time allows.
Anyway, Malaysians, be grateful, very grateful!

| charity begins with you |

::: 2022 and its near end

It is near the end of 2022.  It really goes by at a blink of an eye. This year started with hope - loadssss of it. And I thought this year w...