23 February 2015

::: Few Steps To Go

September 2015. Will come in a blink of eyes. I will make that decision, that big decision, soon.

Insha-Allah. That choice will be made after some Istiqarah. Because I know, Allah knows best.


Previously Mak Jah ni kan suka bebenor haaaa dgn Abg Bomba. Tapi baru-baru ni, terasa fobia pulak dengan Abg Bomba. Hahahaha funny. Abg Bomba kat Malaysia ni pelik-pelik kot perangai dia. Pastu kurang sado. Hahaha ok gurau kasar sikit!


Poket oh poket. Bila nak penuh? Mungkin ada yang masih sudi hulur-hulurkan Tiffany? Hikhik~

| looking ahead, and smiling |

21 February 2015

::: Secret

The best feeling
As of now
Is to love
In secret
And to be loved

Thank you

| a good path will b eased |

13 February 2015

::: Lie

I believe in what the old saying says.
"Once a liar, always a liar.."

Told you so! Heh.

| what goes around, come around |

::: 2022 and its near end

It is near the end of 2022.  It really goes by at a blink of an eye. This year started with hope - loadssss of it. And I thought this year w...