31 December 2009

::: >>> My Beginning of 2010

today is the 31st of Dec, the last day of 2009, nearly the end of the 1st decade of the 2000th year! & my parents are flying back to Malaysia tonight.. *sigh*

emotion - emotionless
mind - mindless
thought - thoughtless

since the 25th of Nov, they have been patiently living with me in this small little box of mine.. 24hours mengadap muka aku - not missing any single moment! tidur bergelimpangan. sakit2 badan. kesian... tq for the patience!

& since that moment too, they pampered me with good food, good money & good fun. obviously, those are what i always need but not always available (part MONEY tu mmg sgt tepat!)

2009 has been the most challenging year for me. honestly! personal issues, health related problems, monetary crisis, emotional disturbance, study matters etc!

but things happen for some reasons. coincidence coexists to complete the reasoning. i regret nothing. be it things that have turned my life completely upside down, im really thankful for having this great journey. at least one day i can proudly say - been there, done that, through it!

i wish everyone another awesome year ahead. jgn kalut2 nak menyambut sakan. for Muslims frens, Awal Muharram aritu korang tah tau ke tak kewujudnye!

i will never say goodbye to 2009.. but i will shout WELCOME 2010!!!


| the end-post for 2009~ |

29 December 2009

::: >>> My Everyth-ing

my brain is freezing.
my emotion is swinging.
my energy is draining.
my wallet is shrinking.
my tolerance is condemning.

what more can i ask for?


| knowing is tiring! |

25 December 2009

::: >>> Trip Part 4 : Paris

setelah penat in our trip to Venice Italy, kami bertiga dgn sexy-nya menuju ke Paris France pulak!


Musee du Louvre

sila jenguk di dalam


pyramid kaca itu ada 4 ketul semuanya! yey!


yeah! itu dia... sila lihat aksi parents aku..

amboi amboi amboi..!



ini view dari bus!

kini tiba di Eiffel Tower! the most visited monuments in the world..

Paris, je t'aime?


mmg in love!!

semangat menuju puncak!


saya menang miniature Eiffel Tower!

di bawah montot Eiffel Tower

the famous architecture

aku menunggu incik macha membawa ku ke puncak itu! auw~

wah! mcm nak lari dr paparazzi


iye! aku mmg suke!

La Fayette shopping centre

sila jgn drive di Paris City Centre jika anda tidak penyabar!

bila mlm, sesi bertukar warna bermula! viewed from Trocadero

dan ini..

dan ini lagi..

dan ini juga..

dan ini juga!

lentak melentok pulak di tempat awam

metropolitan station, kira mcm London underground @ tube station


mak aku pun dah jd photo fanatic mcm aku

itulah EUROstar membawa kami pulang ke London St Pancras

sekian sahaja dari kami.. mggu pertama cuti dah habis. mggu kedua cuti ni plak, aku terpaksa berhempas pulas memaksa diri membuka buku..

my parents will balik Malaysia on this 31st December.. my class will start on the 4th of Jan! benci!


| poket sudah kering, purse sudah kempis, handbag sudah ringan! |

::: >>> Trip Part 3 : Venice

ini gambar2 sexy kami di Venice, Italy.. sila nikmati dgn senang hati, ok?

Venice, Italy

Marco Polo Airport, thick snow!

masyaAllah! sgt cantik!

time ni sgt menggeletar! -9 degree celcius!

luckily our hotel is near the Grand Canal

eh kami berpurdah! cerah tp temperature membekukan brain cells!

wah! Italy katenye!

masquerade sgt famous di sini

hari kedua pun lagi sejuk!

hari ini kita jelajah sepanjang Grand Canal! naik water taxi ok..

seronok sungguh naik water taxi

the gondolo gondoli

Venice mmg cantik! wajib pegi if u r in europe..

kerana kesejukan yg terlampau, aku reject offer naik itu gondola! tak sanggup!!

laluan incik gondola

ini San Marco area, Venice

around the square

typical shot in Venice

the St Mark's Square

aku tak suke! geli!

ngape budak2 tu sgt berani??

mcm pak pandir & 2 ekor burungnye..

yg ni je aku berani.. maaflah ye burung2 sekalian

sesi memanaskan bdn..


on our way back to hotel

24 hours water taxi

meriahnye canal diorang. kat malaysia ada tak?

dah muak tgk muka aku? sila bertahan!

bertahan sikit lg!

the white world scene on our way to airport. snowing again *sigh*

kerana si ketul2 putih itulah flight kami to Paris delayed several hours!
*another big sigh*

puas hati? well ape2pun, nasihat aku is, jika korang jenis yg cpt mengigil kesejukan, jgnlah pegi Venice time winter.. tak pasal2 kecut segala kulit & bulu roma korang!

tggu sat lg, aku up gambar2 kami tiga sejoli di Paris, Italy dalam our Trip Part 4 : Paris..


| Venice mmg cantik! |

::: 2022 and its near end

It is near the end of 2022.  It really goes by at a blink of an eye. This year started with hope - loadssss of it. And I thought this year w...