24 December 2009

::: >>> Back From Venice & Paris

akhirnye tamat sudah pengembaraan ke Venice & Paris.. sgt bermacam2 dugaan..


1) Venice yg super duper sejuk! -9 deg celcius kot yg paling worst during our stay there. quite heavy snow fall.. my parents from excited about snow to pretty phobia about it! fuh!

2) flight from Venice to Paris yg delayed 3hours, then stucked IN THE PLANE for more than 1hour in total due to heavy snow.

3) sampai2 Paris je dah 3 pagi. airport pulak nearly 150km from Paris city centre. mane ade public transports dah at that early hour, except cabs yg superbly mahal!! luckily, after passengers marah2 kat airlines staffs, kitorg semua dpt free bus ride to Paris city centre i.e. by bus. tu pun semua bising2 & bertolak2 time naik bas mcm pelarian! sampai hotel terus pgsan! maha penat..

4) sbb ke-delay-an yg melanda, kitorang tak puas ronda2 Paris.. kesian my mom.. tak puas shopping katenye! boleh plak cenggitu ek? aku ingatkan dia x puas g tgk the monuments in Paris tu.. patutlah 'kuah dari my mom tumpah kat aku!'

5) EUROstar train from Paris to London sgt sesak!! that service was cancelled for 3 days since Sunday aritu, so all passengers from those days were joining us.. sungguh haru biru kelabu!

6) sampai2 London St Pancras, masyaAllah! manusia mcm semut mengelilingi gula kat umah mak jah yg dah seminggu tumpah tapi tak dibersihkan! dah nak Christmas, semua pun kelam kabut nak balik kpg.. UTK HARI NI JE, EUROstar terpaksa provides nearly 5000 seats to recover all those delayed journeys.. bayangkan betapa sesaknya the train station!

ni baru 1 per 200 dr the crowds!


sudah, sudah! nnt aku hapdet dgn gmbr2!


| ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz~ |

::: 2022 and its near end

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