7 January 2011

::: 5 Jan Was My Birthday

dalam post yg akan datang, aku akan story pasal budak yang seorang ni!

And 5 January had passed so quickly :)

5 January, used to be my most awaited day in the year. But it was no longer as such anymore. Kenapa? Entah. Mungkin umur dah meningkat - memasuki suku kedua bagi satu abad. 26 years old. Amazingly unbelievable. Sangat muda kan?? Gosh. And I am getting younger!~ Yeha!!!

For me, there is nothing to hide about my age. Maybe not for the time being. Tak tau lah kot-kot nanti bile aku dah cecah 30 tahun, aku akan mula berahsia pasal umur aku. Jadi better korang jangan lose count of my age. Ingat! 2011, I am 26 years old!!!! Hahahahaha.


Bagi aku, aging is a really tiring but enjoyable process. I shall be proud of aging - because as year passes by everyyear, I gain extra 'years old', i gain extra maturity, i gain extra experience, i gain extra everything!

Nonetheless, for this increasing age that I go through, firstly I praise upon Allah S.W.T atas usia yang Dia bagi pada aku setakat ni. Masih lagi aku bernyawa :) Masih lagi aku menyedut Oxygen kurang tepu yang semakin dihiasi debu-debu kotaraya. Alhamdulillah.

The two persons to whom I should be extremely thankful are my parents. Tanpa diorang, aku tak lahir kat dunia ni. Tak merasa segala-galanya - melihat langit biru bertukar mendung, melihat laut biru bertukar kelabu. Heh.

Tanpa kasih sayang dan bimbingan diorang, aku tak sampai ke tahap sekarang. For all those years - of love, hardship, courage, support and endless taught, I am so proud to be your daughter! You two are the most amazing and patience persons in my life. With my stubborn and rough attitude, I guess you are so used to that. Sorry for all the trouble, for all the sadness and for all the wasted time, money and energy that I have caused along these 25 years. And please don't stop loving, caring for and teaching me. In this journey of life, there is no one that I could have maximum trust on, except the two of you. Seriously, now I really know that life is not in any way cruel and unfair, but the people in the life are..~ Mom and Dad, I love you so much!

Next, of course I should be thankful to my only eldest Abang Ejan yang dah pun got married last year with Kak Ida (well hopefully tak lama lagi they will become parents too! yey!) Dari lahir, Abang lah kawan, Abanga lah lawan. Lawan bertekak memang dah selalu. Dah kata 2 beradik je. Nak gaduh dengan sapa lagi kalau bukan dia. Hikhik~ Tapi semenjak semakin meningkat dewasa ni, kami dah memang tak pernah berlawan suara. Kalau ada yang tak sependapat pun, akan dibawa berbincang secara matang. Waaa weeeeee~ Kami are quite well behaved now kan? :)

Incik Macha juga aku takkan lupa. Even kami baru mula dan masih lagi untuk mengenali hati budi masing-masing (for about 1 year plus now,) we have been through quite a lot. He brought joy and happiness into my life. He brought me sadness and sorrow too. Hahahaha. Ada balance di situ bukan? Well, itulah kehidupan. Tanpa dugaan dalam sesuatu hubungan, kita takkan belajar apa-apa. Anyway, he haven't bring me any Tiffany ring yet. Menunggu aku habis study maybe. Lol. Kidding je Macha~ :p

And to friends yang buat that small surprise at midnight before 5th January - Anis Suhana, Anis Sya, CT K, Sya, Nads dan Ika, thank you so much girls! Small but really surprising. I was busy doing my presentation slides, when I heard a loud group of people singing Birthday song and bringing a big Secret Recipe cake into my room. Oh touching. Saya budak tua yang diraikan oleh adik-adik yang begitu muda. Hik~ Thank you so much all my darlings friends!!!

Last but not least, thanks to all my dearest family members and friends yang bertubi-tubi memenuhkan wall facebook aku, inbox handphone, message kat YM as well as email. Thank you for your thoughts, guys and girls. You rock! I rock! We rock!

Ok sekian. (Maaf takde perenggan kesimpulan atau penutup. Ini break emergency namanya! hahahaha)

| To myself, Happy 26th Birthday. Keep on rocking baby! |

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