9 September 2011

::: Selamat Hari Raya

Ok ok I know I am a bit late. But it is better late than never, kan?

So Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri diucapkan to all friends! Maaf zahir dan batin jika ada tersalah tersilap.

Erm itu je lah kot. Lately ni aku terlalu busy. Tengah buat research project in Bawang Assan, Sibu. Cuti Raya pun seminggu je. Balik bercuti, berjimban-berjimbun dengan anak buah kesayangan. Ehem ehem.

He is over a month old now! Baby Ilan Nufail & his ibu dah habis pantang on the 6th of Syawal that day.. But sadly, on that very same day, aku terpaksa balik semula ke Sibu for this research project. Caklempong sungguh lah kan!

But nevermind, this research project in Sibu will finish in mid-October, then I am going to be in Kuching till the very last day of me being a student! Maka, that time akan ku heret my baby nephew Ilan Nufail berjimban-berjimbun bersama! Im gonna push him on his stroller! Yippy!

Oh tak sabar! So far, this has been a blessed year for my whole family. Baby Ilan Nufail has become our family unique diamond and shining star - so far lah kan.. Hihihihi.. Lets see how will he be when he gonna have a new baby sister in the future.. LOL :) But still, Kak Usu loves you so much!

Eh, aku mengarut pasal anak buah aku lagi ek? Maaflah yer, tersasar dari niat sebenar - mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya!

Oklah. Sekian. Selamat terus makan rendang, ketupat dan kuih-muih di Hari Raya! Jangan sampai boncet segala! Tatttadadaaaaa~

| jaga-jaga, semua syaitan dah terlepas keluar! |

::: 2022 and its near end

It is near the end of 2022.  It really goes by at a blink of an eye. This year started with hope - loadssss of it. And I thought this year w...