30 December 2011

::: He Is Cute!

When he was at 3 months plus

The above picture was a bit basi but I am too lazy to transferred his recent photos to this laptop of mine. Now, my lovely nephew dah masuk 5 bulan lebih. He is getting more active each day. Mulut dah boleh berteriak sekuat jiwa raga. Satu rumah boleh bergema. Semua telinga boleh bergetar. Dah besar, ada potensi jadi opera singer. Kuatnye suara dia mak oi!

Time bergurau pun dia berteriak, time merengek pun dia berteriak. Ada masa, kadang-kadang dia menangis mengada-ngada. Hikhik sangat cute! Air mata langsung tak keluar. Suara je teresak-esak. Eceh.. Manje la tuh! Tapi bila dia betul-betul menangis, hambik kau, berjujuran air mata. Still comel jugak!

Sekarang banyak baju dah mula ketat. Sepasang kasut pemberian Incik Macha juga dah tak muat lagi. Baru berapa kali je pakai. Cepat betul membesarnya Baby Ilan Nufail ni. Tak lama lagi dah tak boleh panggil Baby dah.. Hehehehe.

Sekarang berat pun dah over 7 kg. Panjang pulak dah hampir mencecah 80 cm. Nanti aku update latest photo of him.

For the time being, aku perlu stop here. Kena habiskan assignments and portfolios yang berlambak ni sebelum 2 hari on-call bermula esok. Haihss nasib badan...


| all is well |

::: 2022 and its near end

It is near the end of 2022.  It really goes by at a blink of an eye. This year started with hope - loadssss of it. And I thought this year w...