Tamat sudah 10 weeks of good laugh. They had performed well to entertain every beginning of our weekends. Zizan was awarded as champion, followed by Johan, then Tokei. Zizan layak untuk menang, Johan juga, Tokei pun sama. The 3 of them actually memang kaw-kaw punya spontan. All layak to be champions. Tapi, adat lah kan. Rezeki tu kan semua kerja Tuhan.
Aduhai Mak Mah! Aku menulis dah macam juri tak diundang! Phui! Aku bukan nak tulis review. Sorry, silap channel lah kalau kome ke mari nak cari isi-isi tersirat karangan kontot aku ni.
Cuma, aku rasa for the upcoming Fridays, tak tahu dah nak tengok TV show apa. Dulu ada Maharaja Lawak, then Maharaja Lawak Mega, then Raja Lawak (entah musim berapa aku tak berapa nak follow sebab program tu dah jadi redundant and peserta makin kurang lawak!), afterwards Superspontan menyusul. The next laugh will be from what show then?
So far, Karoot Komedia X akan mula. Achaner Tu Johan pun will begin very soon. So, hoyey! Not that boring and show-less lah kan..
Well, dont be surprised by my choice of TV shows sebab I prefer comedy rather than that 'Bella', 'Akasia' bla bla bla sorts of drama. Bosan! Too serious is no fun anymore! I have enough seriousness from my real hard life so I let the comedy to take over my fantasy and fun...
Back to life - again!!! Cuti dah makin ke penghujung. This coming Tuesday, another major posting will begin. Back to wards, clinics and teachings. Bluwerghhh!!! Exam is boring but the knowledge is actually entertaining.
There are people who we really love unconditionally but we just could not live with them. It is mere impossible.
| we are the champions of all the released sperms! |