16 May 2010

::: Aku Benci Attention Seeker

Aku benci Extreme Attention Seeker! Dalam bahasa lembutnya, dipanggil 'penagih perhatian terlampau'.

Insan-insan begini (especially lelaki tahap metrosexual), bila di facebook suka tulis macam-macam status untuk buat satu dunia tau pasal diri dia. Nak attract pelbagai lapisan masyarakat untuk komen kat status tu. Okay fine, your own choice because it is your own profile. I get it. Tapi toksah la setakat ko meludah tepi jalan pun nak dijadikan cerita. Propa d'uuh! Lame! Lame! So lame! Why dont you get yourself killed or raped, perhaps the whole media will put you on the front page. No doubts!

Keturunan awek sebegini pulak suka upload gambar yang menunjukkan pelbagai lurah keramat, bucu tajam serta segala pelusuk badan. Ish. Kita tau awak tu cantik duhai Kak Milah Ronggeng, tapi perlu ke tunjuk kat serata penghuni alam? Kot ye pun nak buat pameran kat encik kekasih serta rakan-rakan tercinta awak tu kat facebook, private-private sudah.. Ke nak mintak semua orang 'menghargai' bumpers awak tu? So some will perhaps comment 'wah you look so sexy', 'gorgeous', 'you are hawt!' *sigh* There goes the attention seeker..

Tapi kan, attention seeker ni selalunye akan menjawab 'la lantak aku la, kalau tak suka tak payah la ko tengok page/profile aku!' Adeh la Kak Milah Ronggeng.. Selamat terus sesat. All the best! Seek the attention that you always desire.

But none lasts longer than respect.


| kurang kasih sayang ke? kesian... |

::: 2022 and its near end

It is near the end of 2022.  It really goes by at a blink of an eye. This year started with hope - loadssss of it. And I thought this year w...