29 April 2011

::: Another Academic Year To Tick

Cuti 3 minggu dah tamat pada 10 April 2011. And this year's 10th April was my parents 28th Wedding Anniversary :) Alhamdulillah.. Either for the ups or the downs, we are still together.

We celebrated it di KL but bukan la celebrate dengan party buih. Kami 5 sekeluarga went for a short break to KL sambil bershopping barang-barang "upcoming baby"!!! Sadly untuk aku, the visit was just for the weekend since kelas began on the 11th. The rest of them came back on the 12th. Sayu sayu sayu. Plan dan flight tiket kami ke KB Kelantan terpaksa dilupus kira dek kerana class schedule aku yang menghampakan itu.


So, it is well passed a year in UNIMAS. A relief? Maybe. A regret? Perhaps I shall start learning to say No :) Dah bermula academic calendar yang baru.

Our first posting was Forensic Medicine which began on the 11th April hari tu and ended on the 21st April. 1 and a half week of fully packed lectures. All about forensic and a bit of law - from murders to suicides, from accidents to natural deaths, from knives to machine guns, from burning to drowning!

Memang boleh buat otak aku menggelupur. Orang FBI and CSI pun boleh gila tau! But it was a very interesting posting. Selama ni dok tengok CSI, semua nampak macam senang. Tapi bila dah kena learn the actual facts and theory, hambek! Terus otak sangap oksigen!

One of the forensic doctors yang involved in Anwar Ibrahim's sodomy case, the killing of Altantuya and Sosilawati, and several other well known cases nationwide, came as our main guest lecturer for 3 days straight. He shared a lot of his experience and taught us enthusiastically. Exam pun dah berlalu. Tinggal kena buat 2 postmortems and submit their respective reports.

Now my second posting is District and Family Medicine. A mixture of several major postings (Medicine, Surgery, O&G, Paeds) with General Practice (GP) Medicine. Maka sekarang tercampaklah aku di Serian for 3 weeks, starting Monday the 25th of April. After that posting ni akan bersambung di clinics in Kuching pulak.

Since Serian is just about 60km away from Kuching, jadi aku dah ulang alik ke rumah 2 kali within the first week. Tambah jammed dan jalan bengkang bengkok sana sini, a 1 way journey from my parents' house in Kuching to my hostel in Serian (or vice versa) gonna take around 50-60 minutes. Pulang ke rumah adalah option terbaik tatkala kelas habis awal or no on-calls scheduled for me. Yippy!

But not too bad, Serian nowadays is quite busy during daytime, from as early as 6am till 10pm. Hostel pun right at the city centre. Coupled with oxygen molecules, atom-atom debu pun masuk ke lubang hidung dengan lancar sekali. Redhakan saja. Takda lah sunyi sangat macam kat Sibu dulu. Sibu itu terlalu...... Hmmm.... (silalah lengkapkan ayat tersebut dengan perkataan anda sendiri).

Kat luar pun lori-lori sampah sedang bergiat aktif. Aku kat dalam bilik pun tengah hulahoop atas katil - pasang TV, pasang kipas ceiling, kipas meja lagi, sambil mengadap laptop. Terjeling ke arah jam laptop.. Alamak! Masa dah time!!!!

Chalo bette! Chalo!

| another year, then another year |

::: 2022 and its near end

It is near the end of 2022.  It really goes by at a blink of an eye. This year started with hope - loadssss of it. And I thought this year w...