28 May 2009

::: >>> My Barcelona

congratz BARCELONA!!

you deserve the back-to-back title!!! yey! tak sia2 aku berjaga malam ni utk barca terchenta! tq Eto & Messi!!


sempena dengan kemenangan Barca for this year's UCL, here are 2 photos, dated 3 years ago..

took them bile aku & kawan2 bercuti ke Spain pada tahun 2006. about a week trip. singgah la ke Madrid, Barcelona & Malaga. these 'greatly nerdy' pics were both in Barca, the city that never sleep!!

ko tengok la labi! muke aku macam zaman hang tuah dulu2 kala (jgn gelakkan aku woi!). paling xleh blah, tangan buat peace tu. nampak sungguh baik muka aku ketika berambut panjang.. hehehe.. tapi yg 'crown' kat atas kepala tu yg paling aku bangga beb.....!


adeh parah jatuh saham demi Barca! 2006 in Barcelona..

FC Barcelona Store in the Camp Nou Stadium area

| mari menjulang piala! congratz Messi, this season's top scorer! |

::: 2022 and its near end

It is near the end of 2022.  It really goes by at a blink of an eye. This year started with hope - loadssss of it. And I thought this year w...