30 September 2009

::: >>> Malaysia To Start Free HPV Jab

hi guys. lets talk about facts.. *ehem ehem.. mode skema nak masuk dah ni..*

have you read the news regarding Malaysian gov to start free vaccine for 13 year old girls, in order to prevent risk of cervical cancer? if you havent, then go read! (READ HERE)..

a gud effort from the goverment.. it is never too late ek katenye.. ntahlah..

but do u know, kat other coutries, well i guess i better talk about UK specifically, it has been ages since they've started that free jab. & lately, the story about a local girl who died after having the vaccine, hit the front page! tak tau jugak?? keep yourself updated, world's citizen! (READ HERE)..

aku bkn nak cakap ape la, bkn jugak nk mengutuk negara kita sendiri. tp aku ada own opinion tentang our society back home in Malaysia.. to simplify, cukuplah aku katakan 'rakyat kita suka tengok kuman, tapi gajah busuk dpn mata, diorg buat2 tak tau...' itu dia! ampun~~


bila bab politik je, semua kecoh. nak yg begitu, nak yg begini. nak yg dr parti tu je, nak yg dr parti ni je.. sorang kaki telan rasuah, sorang lagi x reti bezakan halal haram. sorang lagi kecoh ngn hak2 bangsa melayu, sorang lg kecoh nk pertahankan bahasa melayu..

lets give it a deep thought people..

how many political candidates really fight for our health care system? bila tiba musim mengundi, xda isu lain. politik wang, hak2 istimewa org melayu, jalan ni xsiap, jambatan tu runtuh, yg tu buat seks luar tabiee.. well propaganda sungguh... mmg benda2 tu semua penting, tapi kenapa asyik2 isu yg sama? sampai bila?


kenapa kat negara kita ni, jarang sgt ada yg try to fight about hak2 rakyat dalam medical care? kalau la aku nk bandingkan kita punye health care system in Malaysia dgn system kat sini, mmg jauh sgt beza. tapi i do understand the pepatah cikai2 saying 'dont compare gold with diamond. but compare diamond with diamond'. kan?

wake up peeps! tuntut ur rights dalam health issue jugak. cmne negara nak maju kalau kesihatan tak dijaga? cmne nk terus 'berpolitik bagai nak rak' kalau setiap bulan byk sgt candidates yg suffer sudden death due to heart attack? ajal mmg di tangan-Nya. arent we are suppose to put some efforts too?


shud i say, enuf of the finger-pointing. just do your work & let others do theirs.. sorry if ape2 yg aku merabankan ni telah & akan menyakitkan hati sape2. just my 2 pennies worth..

| sometimes, a change is really necessary.. |

29 September 2009

::: >>> My Back To Reality

well raya is really over in Leicester. semalam dah sambut beramai2, undergrads & postgrads. so i guess it is time to be back on track!

wake up arieza!!! u had 7 months of rest.. & now, back to work! baik baik!


oh ya, dok membebel2 ni, tibe2 teringat kat abg2 bomba balik.. the old good memories were too good to be remembered again...

| i do both work & fun! |

25 September 2009

::: >>> My 5th Syawal

5th Syawal. 1st clinic-of-the-year experience

1) hajat di hati nak attend cardio clinic (1st clinic for this year tau!!!).. alih2, after sesat dlm hospital for a good 15minutes (nampak sgt jarang pegi hosp smpai tak jumpe jalan.. tolong tolong!!!), tup tup dapat tau cardio clinic cancelled due to them having audit that afternoon.. (haih kalau aku tau, baik xyah bgn tdo lagi..)


2) last2 terpaksalah menjadi skema buat2 baik, mencarik replacement clinic.. menuju ke allergy clinic.. 1st time jumpe Prof W yg agak la kusut masai rupanya. baju pun separuh tucked-in separuh lagi bergelimpangan.. nampak peyot la prof.. (sexy! grrrr....!)

3) 1st patient came in, aku yg baik hati offered kerusi to her son. Prof W yg sexy pun bgn nk angkat the kerusi from my place.. oppss.. terlanggar montot aku! adeh la, 1st time jumpe Prof W ni, dah siap main laga2 montot.. ayyoo.. sorry. (mohon maaf zahir & batin..)

4) before went home, Prof W bg soklan cepu emas.. 'What is the clinical definition of allergy?' hambek!!! erk? immune response? adverse reaction? ntah.. hello! i WAS supposed to attend CARDIO clinic! NOT allergy clinic! (Lord, HELP!)

5) balik dgn senang hati, tanpa rasa bersalah after xtau the clinical defination of allergy..


moral for today : hari raya ke-5, raya lagi la weii...!

| esok raya ke-6.. |

23 September 2009

::: >>> My Another Card Raya

yuhu! saje nk buat special post.. khas to Sickboo & Zaag yg jauh di mata, xberapa nk jauh di hati..


punye la lame baru sampai? dah nak hbs dah pun raya.. ape2pun time kasih byk2.. walaupun xde Tiffany yg terselit, tapi aku sangat2 menghargainyer. hehehe..

skrg ni aku tgh tunggu special card & beskot raya dari someone even more special to me.. tah bile la nak sampai? raya tahun depan? thaipusam? xsabar sgt2 dah ni...


ape2pun, thx kpd Sickboo & Zaag sbb 'terpaksa' menghantar kad raya kat aku. hahaha thn dpn, hantar la lagi.. baru la rock kapak!

utk yg lain2 yg ada bg kad raya kat aku, yg aku xdan nak tampal kat blog aku ni, maaf ek.. semuanya aku hargai dgn sepenuh hati..


| Selamat Hari Raya ke-4 |

21 September 2009

::: >>> My 1st Syawal

phew.. so 1st Syawal dah berlalu... kat malaysia raya sebulan. kat sini, sehari pun susah nak dpt. kalau raya weekdays, alamatnya ambik la cuti sendiri2...


utk aktiviti di malam raya, initially aku planned nk buat kek lapis sarawak.. kira 1st attempt aku la in my whole life.. tapi, akhirnya aku ragu2 dgn keupayaan aku sndri... sbb mak aku kata, kalau tak jadi, mmg rugi.. sbb pakai 2 dozen telur utk satu acuan tu.. drpd aku rugi ternganga xdpt apa2, baik aku try buat a simpler menu kan kan?


so aku decide utk buat chocholate cornflakes! hooray! b4 berbuka posa pada hari last ramadhan, aku ajak kawan aku g membeli belah.. konon nk buat beskot raya la katekan..

so mlm tu aku & 2 org lg mmber aku bertungkus lumus (ehem ehem) membuat beskot raya itu! & kami berjaya! yahooooo!! sila tengok kat bawah ni. beskot kami sungguh sexy..

oleh kerana bumi ini bulat & UK pula berada d barat.. (haihhhh) maka akhirnya malaysia menyambut 1 Syawal dahulu sebelum kami... ini tidak adil!

so after parents & abg aku solat raya kat malaysia, diorg pun on webcam & kami pun bersalam2an bersama2.. & again, thank you technology~

plan pagi raya kat leicester ni spt biasa ar. after solat raya kitorg berkumpul kat satu rumah, bawak juadah masing2 (beskot raya tu kira juadah jugak kan kan kan?) & makan/melantak beramai2.

selain dr beskot choc cornflakes, aku bawak kek lapis sarawak yg dah ready made sekali. mujur la kesedapan & keterampilan beskot & kek tu agak memberangsangkan.. terima kasih kerana menghabiskn stok beskot & kuih raya kami!


dah agak2 puas berposing dpn camera & menganiaya satu sama lain, aku & 2 other frens berpakat utk membuang duit.. shopping raya! org lain shopping raya b4 1st Syawal, tapi kami lebih suke shopping time xperlu puasa dah! dapat bershopping sambil mencekik katenye...


aku berbelanja dgn senang hati.. raya setahun sekali. shopping? setiap hari!

2nd Syawal i.e. TODAY.. ape plan aku? eh ada ke 2nd Syawal kt UK?? aku ingatkan after 1st Syawal terus 1st Zulkaedah..


| incik sabarudin, cpt la balik~ |

19 September 2009

::: >>> My Eid Wishes To Everyone

eh dah confirm ke ahad raya? bila pak2 aji nak skodeng anak bulan??

xkisah la hari ape pun korang nk beraya (sbb aku dah raya dah 3mggu lepas...), aku dengan penuh jelita & suci mulia, ingin mengucapakan SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI utk semua rakan2 semuslim, & utk semua yg turut meraikan hari gembira ini. (itu dia!! dah masuk ucapan skema dah...)


maafkan segala salah silap, terkasar bahasa, tercarut terhina, terngumpat terkutuk, terketuk tertumbuk, tersengal tersenget.. maaf yek... MAAF ZAHIR BATIN.. halalkan segala oksigen, makan minum yg aku rampas dari korg..

untuk yg jauh dari keluarga, sambutlah dengan kesyukuran kerana kita masih dirindui (erk.. ada ke org rindu kt korg? op koss ada org rindu kt aku.. hhihihih) & dipjgkn umur utk melihat syawal tiba sekali lagi.. jauh di mata, dekat di hati.. kan kan kan? jgn lupa pada yg dah pegi, sedekahkanlah doa utk mereka di sana..

semoga diterima segala amalan kita dalam bulan Ramadhan kali ini.. yek yek yek? selamat beramal~~ adehhh.. sudah sudah.. back to reality pulak~


ape2pun, thanks kpd yg sudi bagi kad raya, yg post jauh2.. ada yg bg kt facebook, MMS kt hp, msg kt hp, email.. semua2 la media massa yg ada skrg ni.. tq so much.. xleh aku nk balas dgn apa2 yg lbh bernilai melainkan ucapan terima kasih & doa agar segala sambutan korg di hari mulia ni, dilindungi-Nya & penuh gumbiraa! yiihaa!!!


well enuf said.. sila la smbung bergumbira! masak lemang, main mercun, kacau dodol! eh jgn lupa pasang pelita! jgn dek canggih sgt, semua pun dok pasang lampu lip lap lip lap.. mane pegi tradisi kita? baru meriah! kalau rumah jiran terbakar, lagi meriah! siap abg2 bomba pun dtg beraya tau..

| tengah pasang pelita jugak kat bilik.. sape2 nk main bungai api, dtg la bilik aku ek.. |

17 September 2009

::: >>> My Lesson For The Day

di satu hari... aku amat terkesima dengan didikan adab seorang makcik tua berambut ikal keputihan. aku yg suke tgk bebudak ribena, dok perati seketul budak laki yg berumur dalam 3 or 4 tahun, berborak ngn cik neneknya di dalam train...

cute boy : grandma, where are we goin? (sambil2 tu dia isap lollipop yg nenek dia baru lps beli.. or maybe ada pmpuan cantik jaga kedai candy bagi free je kat dia kot..)

nenek : we are goin home dear.. did you have fun today?

cute boy : i love going shopping! lets go again tomorrow.. can we?

nenek : are you sure? how about following grandma to the market?

cute boy : yey!!! (sambil2 tepuk tangan & menggoyang2kan kepala ke kiri ke kanan tanda happy..)

several minutes later...

cute boy : grandma... i want my colouring book...!

nenek : (buat muke xtau sambil pandang je muka cucu comel dia tu)

cute boy : are you listening? pass me the new book of mine..

merengek2 manja pulak dah... comel!

nenek : ........... er?? (aku pulak pelik. xkan nenek dia tibe2 pekak kot..)

cute boy : ohh ok ok.. i want my colouring book, PLEASE grandma.. may i?

nenek : that sounds better, love. everything with manner! good boy...

the granny pun passkan colouring book kat cucu dia... sambil senyum2 kat aku.. dia perasan la pulak aku tgh dok skodeng dia ngn cucu dia berborak..


so guys, the moral for today is.. it isnt so hard to say PLEASE.. or dlm version mak jah, TOLONG or BOLEH?..

bknnye aku suruh korg mintak TOLONGGGGG TOLONNGGG!! tu kes lain..

you wont lose anything by being polite. kan kan? so PLEASE learn something from the cute boy's story... or shud i say, TOLONG-lah ambik iktibar dr citer budak kecik comel tu, BOLEH?


| and i can even learnt something from observing..~ |

15 September 2009

::: >>> My 3D Experience

alooohaaa. selamat 4 or 5 hari lagi raya utk semua!

sungguh lama rasenye xbuat any update kat cni. ngape ek? bz ke? malas kot.. actually ni aku nk bitau citer basi ckit. on the 09.09.09 aritu, aku ngn 3 other frens, pegi tengok The Final Destination 3D.

secara keseluruhannye, aku rate citer ni as 'not too bad'.. in term of the story line, mmg xde ape sgt.. just tunggu turn for each of them mati. & simply wait for their 'exaggerated' way of dying..

from the 3D point of view pulak, i wud suggest this movie to anyone who never experienced any 3D movie yet (ala syian.... jgn karang in 10 years time, anak korg ckp korg ketinggalan zaman!)

we went to the Cinema De Lux (CDL) Leicester. i dont know whether the 3D effects will be exactly the same at every cinema. but in our CDL, the 3D was quite real.

ada certain scenes yg mmg leh buat aku terkelip mata byk kali sbb as if some sharp objects were coming thru my eyes. ada one scene ni, sampai leh buatkan popcorn dr tgn aku terjatuh! wah! hambik ko, dpt la tengok snow flakes free atas lantai! mamat nigger duduk sebelah aku pun terus terkesima dgn kehebatan popcorn aku yg bijak melompat ke lantai..


tapi xde la mcm ada effect sampai aku terhumban ke belakang.. itu dah lebih dah tu bai! ape lg ek nak di update?

oh.. jumaat till sunday aritu, my 3 girl friends & aku went for a trip visit, Leicester - Bath - Bristol - Swansea - Cardiff - Swindon - Leicester. having great moments of weekend.. gambar2 sume ada kat diorg. aku malas nak bawak camera tua aku.. so nnt2 aku campak la certain gambar kat cni.

| aku dah pindah masuk bilik sendiri! hoyey! |

11 September 2009

::: >>> My Kek Lapis

straight to the point (since eiman slalu komplen payah benar nk paham ape yg aku merepek ek?)

so di sini, daku yg julita ingin menayangkan sedikit gambar yg mungkin boleh menyebabkan eiman geget kuku or babab montot dia sendiri.. kalau yg lain2 nk join dia, dipersilakan... hahahaha.

bagi yg sedang berpuasa sambil menonton gambar2 menggoyahkan iman & perut ini, sila jgn salahkan aku! nak rase? meh dtg Leicester, UK. ada byk lg kat dlm fridge tu..

p/s : sila jgn tanye aku nama2 kek ni... nama samaran diorg sume same je, i.e. 'KEK LAPIS SARAWAK'. sekian...

| incik tajudin ku sayang, gmbar2 ni kira mcm i hantar MMS kat u jugak la ye! nak tgk gmbr MMS KUEH jugak! |

8 September 2009

::: >>> My Guilt

yuhu sedara mara.. ada byk benda nak di update, but x tau cmne nak mulakan..

1st, let me speak about Guilt. sebagai manusia biasa yg ada hati perut jantung & buah pinggang, aku dikurniakan dgn rasa bersalah when aku rasa aku buat salah.

kalau aku x buat salah, buat ape aku nak rasa bersalah. buang karan je. but honestly, lately, the guilt is sort of hunting me every moments.

feeling guilty about ruining someone's day, ruining someone's emotions, ruining someone's relationship, ruining someone's someone..

fuhhh.. a long list of ruined things. now i know why i should (or MUST) feel guilty!!!

but what i learnt from this is, i tend to always feel guilty to others, but why cant i feel guilty to myself? i guess i must have at least a bit of self-pity.. 'ala kesiannn arieza kan kan kan? kesian...'


kalau asyik nak fikirkan pasal org lain, sampaikan aku sendiri xleh nak pentingkan diri aku sendiri langsung, pun x aci jugak kan minachi? i know i deserve to win too, sometimes..


kalau agak2 korg x berapa nk faham ape yg aku merepek, then sorry.. bak kate pepatah aku 'you dont have to understand me, just love me...'

| i wish to win this time.. |

4 September 2009

::: >>> My Personality Test

below here are some results of my personality tests which i took several weeks ago.. juz having fun! dont take all of these seriously ok.. but if u know me gud enuf, u will know that some of them are damn true!!!


1) Jealousy Level : 55% - You are a jealous person but you try not to let it show

You often get very jealous of others but you are successful at controlling your emotions publicly. When you feel that other people are winning things that you deserve, you get very upset, but you won't hurt anybody else by making a scene. Your jealousy is private. You might, for example, cry yourself to sleep at night when you get really jealous of someone.

2) Bright and Cheerful

You are always cheerful and charming. You never get too serious with people when they're around, but when you are alone, you think carefully about what they have said. That's because you don't want anyone to see you being too somber. Your personality means you have a lot of friends and you are often the center of attention. Many people who fall into this category become artists and movie stars, perhaps fame could be yours in the future as well.

3) Love Life

You desire a love that will last forever. You are quite serious about finding this type of love, and that's why you think carefully about the men that you meet before deciding whether you could really love them. You don't just develop a crush on someone overnight: you look at a person's personality and other aspects of their life before deciding to form an attachment. If a guy doesn't meet your expectations, you would rather be alone. Your love has to be perfect. Be careful though, you could be missing out on some worthy relationships because your standards are so high. *i hope i wont miss my suitable guy, oh pls i dont want to be alone!!!!*

there u go!! funny yet mostly true..!!


| people do change.. |

2 September 2009

::: >>> My Arrival

alhamdulillah, safely reached Leicester yesterday at about 4pm local time.

as usual, berada dlm perut aeroplane equals to tiring journey! no matter how long the flying will be. *sigh*


flight dr Dubai Airport to Birmingham Airport mmg ada mcm2 tragedi.. kelakar pun ada, saiko pun ada, pelik pun ada..


mamat kulit hitam duduk sebelah kiri aku : u there.. wake up wake up. meal time..
aku yg mmg tdo kaw2 dlm flight from Dubai to Birm : erk? tq tq..
*sambil mata berkelip2 & try nk buang segala taik mata yg mgkn ada*
stewardess yg tinggi menggalah bergincu tebal : hi miss. anything to drink?
aku yg mmg tdo kaw2 dlm flight from Dubai to Birm : water with ice please. tq.
*mata mcm xlarat nk bukak je..*
stewardess yg tinggi menggalah bergincu tebal : budweiser? ok a sec..
aku yg mmg tdo kaw2 dlm flight from Dubai to Birm : oh?
*eh aku ckp water ke budweiser? otak pulak malas nk flashback sbb mamai amat*

20 secs later, when the stewardess tgh bukak laci nak ambik a can of budweiser, then baru response aku active! ciss sungguh lagging!!!

aku yg mmg tdo kaw2 dlm flight from Dubai to Birm : excuse me, i think u heard me wrong. i asked for plain water with ice..
stewardess yg tinggi menggalah bergincu tebal : did u? sorry miss. really sorry.

hmmm... muka aku ni ada mcm muka minum budweiser ke? tau la rambut aku dah berjalur karat.. mujurlah keimanan masih ada..


skrg ni aku have to menjadi parasite di bilik member aku. sume bilik in this residency penuh. the officer said there will be a vacant room starting only from the 14th of Sept. nk tak nk, aku have too pay everything & book that room in advance. kang x pasal2 terpaksa tdo tepi longkang! my new room is not in my former flat. it is in the same block, on the same level, opposite my old unit.

at least bile nk pindahkan barang from store nnt, xpyh la nk beriya sgt kena upah mat2 indon.. eh ada ke mat indon? kidding! sbb same level ngn bilik lama aku, then nk angkat barang2 pun sng la. xyah turun naik escalator.. dgn kotak yg bertimbun2 dlm store ni, mau semput aku dibuatnye..

hari ni, plan aku adalah memanjakan montot di dalam bilik. duduk melepak merehatkan badan.. esok baru start berjuang! pegi town, pegi medical school, pegi jumpa doc, settlekan everything..

| imsak 4.11 am, berbuka 7.51 pm.. camne tuh? adeh... gastrik gastrik!! |

1 September 2009

::: >>> My Transit In Dubai

tq incik majid
tq incik arjuna & incik osama
tq incik mie
tq incik apul

sorry kalau menyusahkan..
tq for the company..

tengah mengejang2 & menegang2kan otot kaki di Dubai Airport.. what a longgggg jouney! but tell u what, in 6 months time, since my last transit here in February this year, this airport is changing so much! i mean SO MUCH!! great airport!

wish KLIA can develop as fast as this. but is it even developing?? entah.. macam same je dari dulu kan pak ngah?

ape2pun, i already miss my Malaysia!!!!~


| how can people sleep in flight??? Lord, i hate flying!! |

::: 2022 and its near end

It is near the end of 2022.  It really goes by at a blink of an eye. This year started with hope - loadssss of it. And I thought this year w...