8 September 2009

::: >>> My Guilt

yuhu sedara mara.. ada byk benda nak di update, but x tau cmne nak mulakan..

1st, let me speak about Guilt. sebagai manusia biasa yg ada hati perut jantung & buah pinggang, aku dikurniakan dgn rasa bersalah when aku rasa aku buat salah.

kalau aku x buat salah, buat ape aku nak rasa bersalah. buang karan je. but honestly, lately, the guilt is sort of hunting me every moments.

feeling guilty about ruining someone's day, ruining someone's emotions, ruining someone's relationship, ruining someone's someone..

fuhhh.. a long list of ruined things. now i know why i should (or MUST) feel guilty!!!

but what i learnt from this is, i tend to always feel guilty to others, but why cant i feel guilty to myself? i guess i must have at least a bit of self-pity.. 'ala kesiannn arieza kan kan kan? kesian...'


kalau asyik nak fikirkan pasal org lain, sampaikan aku sendiri xleh nak pentingkan diri aku sendiri langsung, pun x aci jugak kan minachi? i know i deserve to win too, sometimes..


kalau agak2 korg x berapa nk faham ape yg aku merepek, then sorry.. bak kate pepatah aku 'you dont have to understand me, just love me...'

| i wish to win this time.. |

::: 2022 and its near end

It is near the end of 2022.  It really goes by at a blink of an eye. This year started with hope - loadssss of it. And I thought this year w...