17 September 2009

::: >>> My Lesson For The Day

di satu hari... aku amat terkesima dengan didikan adab seorang makcik tua berambut ikal keputihan. aku yg suke tgk bebudak ribena, dok perati seketul budak laki yg berumur dalam 3 or 4 tahun, berborak ngn cik neneknya di dalam train...

cute boy : grandma, where are we goin? (sambil2 tu dia isap lollipop yg nenek dia baru lps beli.. or maybe ada pmpuan cantik jaga kedai candy bagi free je kat dia kot..)

nenek : we are goin home dear.. did you have fun today?

cute boy : i love going shopping! lets go again tomorrow.. can we?

nenek : are you sure? how about following grandma to the market?

cute boy : yey!!! (sambil2 tepuk tangan & menggoyang2kan kepala ke kiri ke kanan tanda happy..)

several minutes later...

cute boy : grandma... i want my colouring book...!

nenek : (buat muke xtau sambil pandang je muka cucu comel dia tu)

cute boy : are you listening? pass me the new book of mine..

merengek2 manja pulak dah... comel!

nenek : ........... er?? (aku pulak pelik. xkan nenek dia tibe2 pekak kot..)

cute boy : ohh ok ok.. i want my colouring book, PLEASE grandma.. may i?

nenek : that sounds better, love. everything with manner! good boy...

the granny pun passkan colouring book kat cucu dia... sambil senyum2 kat aku.. dia perasan la pulak aku tgh dok skodeng dia ngn cucu dia berborak..


so guys, the moral for today is.. it isnt so hard to say PLEASE.. or dlm version mak jah, TOLONG or BOLEH?..

bknnye aku suruh korg mintak TOLONGGGGG TOLONNGGG!! tu kes lain..

you wont lose anything by being polite. kan kan? so PLEASE learn something from the cute boy's story... or shud i say, TOLONG-lah ambik iktibar dr citer budak kecik comel tu, BOLEH?


| and i can even learnt something from observing..~ |

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