2 September 2009

::: >>> My Arrival

alhamdulillah, safely reached Leicester yesterday at about 4pm local time.

as usual, berada dlm perut aeroplane equals to tiring journey! no matter how long the flying will be. *sigh*


flight dr Dubai Airport to Birmingham Airport mmg ada mcm2 tragedi.. kelakar pun ada, saiko pun ada, pelik pun ada..


mamat kulit hitam duduk sebelah kiri aku : u there.. wake up wake up. meal time..
aku yg mmg tdo kaw2 dlm flight from Dubai to Birm : erk? tq tq..
*sambil mata berkelip2 & try nk buang segala taik mata yg mgkn ada*
stewardess yg tinggi menggalah bergincu tebal : hi miss. anything to drink?
aku yg mmg tdo kaw2 dlm flight from Dubai to Birm : water with ice please. tq.
*mata mcm xlarat nk bukak je..*
stewardess yg tinggi menggalah bergincu tebal : budweiser? ok a sec..
aku yg mmg tdo kaw2 dlm flight from Dubai to Birm : oh?
*eh aku ckp water ke budweiser? otak pulak malas nk flashback sbb mamai amat*

20 secs later, when the stewardess tgh bukak laci nak ambik a can of budweiser, then baru response aku active! ciss sungguh lagging!!!

aku yg mmg tdo kaw2 dlm flight from Dubai to Birm : excuse me, i think u heard me wrong. i asked for plain water with ice..
stewardess yg tinggi menggalah bergincu tebal : did u? sorry miss. really sorry.

hmmm... muka aku ni ada mcm muka minum budweiser ke? tau la rambut aku dah berjalur karat.. mujurlah keimanan masih ada..


skrg ni aku have to menjadi parasite di bilik member aku. sume bilik in this residency penuh. the officer said there will be a vacant room starting only from the 14th of Sept. nk tak nk, aku have too pay everything & book that room in advance. kang x pasal2 terpaksa tdo tepi longkang! my new room is not in my former flat. it is in the same block, on the same level, opposite my old unit.

at least bile nk pindahkan barang from store nnt, xpyh la nk beriya sgt kena upah mat2 indon.. eh ada ke mat indon? kidding! sbb same level ngn bilik lama aku, then nk angkat barang2 pun sng la. xyah turun naik escalator.. dgn kotak yg bertimbun2 dlm store ni, mau semput aku dibuatnye..

hari ni, plan aku adalah memanjakan montot di dalam bilik. duduk melepak merehatkan badan.. esok baru start berjuang! pegi town, pegi medical school, pegi jumpa doc, settlekan everything..

| imsak 4.11 am, berbuka 7.51 pm.. camne tuh? adeh... gastrik gastrik!! |

::: 2022 and its near end

It is near the end of 2022.  It really goes by at a blink of an eye. This year started with hope - loadssss of it. And I thought this year w...