15 September 2009

::: >>> My 3D Experience

alooohaaa. selamat 4 or 5 hari lagi raya utk semua!

sungguh lama rasenye xbuat any update kat cni. ngape ek? bz ke? malas kot.. actually ni aku nk bitau citer basi ckit. on the 09.09.09 aritu, aku ngn 3 other frens, pegi tengok The Final Destination 3D.

secara keseluruhannye, aku rate citer ni as 'not too bad'.. in term of the story line, mmg xde ape sgt.. just tunggu turn for each of them mati. & simply wait for their 'exaggerated' way of dying..

from the 3D point of view pulak, i wud suggest this movie to anyone who never experienced any 3D movie yet (ala syian.... jgn karang in 10 years time, anak korg ckp korg ketinggalan zaman!)

we went to the Cinema De Lux (CDL) Leicester. i dont know whether the 3D effects will be exactly the same at every cinema. but in our CDL, the 3D was quite real.

ada certain scenes yg mmg leh buat aku terkelip mata byk kali sbb as if some sharp objects were coming thru my eyes. ada one scene ni, sampai leh buatkan popcorn dr tgn aku terjatuh! wah! hambik ko, dpt la tengok snow flakes free atas lantai! mamat nigger duduk sebelah aku pun terus terkesima dgn kehebatan popcorn aku yg bijak melompat ke lantai..


tapi xde la mcm ada effect sampai aku terhumban ke belakang.. itu dah lebih dah tu bai! ape lg ek nak di update?

oh.. jumaat till sunday aritu, my 3 girl friends & aku went for a trip visit, Leicester - Bath - Bristol - Swansea - Cardiff - Swindon - Leicester. having great moments of weekend.. gambar2 sume ada kat diorg. aku malas nak bawak camera tua aku.. so nnt2 aku campak la certain gambar kat cni.

| aku dah pindah masuk bilik sendiri! hoyey! |

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