18 October 2009

::: >>> My Abg Bertunang

im really happy!!

my only brother, RIEZAN BOHARI akan bertunang with kak IDA RAHAYU YUSUF, esok 18th October 2009.

this is the 1st big event in our family. sbb dia yg paling tua, plus kitorg 2 beradik je, so even baru bertunang pun kira a big moment for us.. ngeee... sorry.. my family mmg hyper-emotional..


after balik dari gym ptg td aku checked my post box & tadaaaaa,, my bro's invitation card dah sampai.. yey! aku kemaruk betul nak tengok card ni since he mentioned that the cards are ready for distribution..

maaflah if yg backpart of the card tu a bit shaky.. ter-parkinson pulak..

well, this card (or shud i say POSTCARD?) is pretty simple but i love it..! a modern creative touch katenye.. no more flip-over card yg a bit traditional, i wud say. zaman dah berubah sgt dah paklong...

monday aritu, i went to post the hadiah for them. mmg very the lambat! i know.. hopefully those gifts akan reach them this week.. sorry ek abg & kakak.. u must know that this adik is really LAZY!


(walaupun hadiah x sampai kat tangan lg) below are my gifts to them. tengah pokai, so hanya mampu membeli Ted Baker wallet & purse for them..

eh.. jgn lupa macha! hadiah utk diri aku sendiri pun wajib jugak. so aku dah belikan diri aku a Ted Baker juge! yg merah makngah itu milik daku.. *wink wink* sungguh pemurah diri ini..

utk kakak & utk abg

utk diri ku yg baik hati kpd diri sndri

my parents pun agak bz kat rumah. tried to ber-webcam with them earlier today but sadly, streamyx tengah bengong! cenonet tul! melepas aku nak join the moments before the day.

kononnye my mom kate buat simple2 je kat our house. rumah pihak lelaki je pun.. tapi when i called home, meriah mcm nak buat konsert la pulak.. biasalah kan, anak sulung.. kalau anak bongsu dia ni nanti nak bertunang or kawen, cmne la gamaknye kan?


so esok is the big day! my bro's fren, Syuk (our schoolmate), kindly volunteers to capture the moments esok.. & i simply cant wait for his updates!! tq so much Syuk.. (you can visit his websites HERE or HERE or HERE!)

tibe2 mata aku naik juling.. aku pulak yg xsabar nk tggu 10 pg (Malaysian time) esok..!!

ABG!!! KAKAK!!! congrats!!!


| i pray for the best.. |

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