3 October 2009

::: >>> My Sweet Wake Up

selamat pagi!!


hari ni cik arieza sangat2 hepi.. kerana... biarlah rahsia.. katenye kan paklong! hehehe.. ape2pun, i started an early day today. took 'little nap' at 10pm woke up at 3am, feeling fresh & in love.. yet, VERY IN LOVE!

couldnt really describe my emotion at the moment.. im just feeling too good, at least for the time being.. i wish this spirit of mine will continue.


to him-who-i-shouldnt-reveal (wah serious koya artis... kalah datuk K tau dear..), who may read this, im just too lucky to have u by my side (erk? side ke? tapi jauh.. syedehnyer...) i hope u guide me through this journey, keep me running in my study, keep me sane in this maze of life.. i cant afford to lose any piece of you..

ohoi paklong... tengok! kan.... cik arieza dah jadi minah jiwang.. sape nk jwb?


eh btw, kat malaysia dah nk masuk musim tengkujuh kan? careful peeps. especially yg kat pantai timur.. tapi skrg ni dah x pelik sgt dah. KL yg tengah2 kota metropolitan tu la tempat red flag yg suddenly dpt banjir.. hoho.. kesian...


ok lah nyah2 semua.. cik arieza nk pegi buat keje skolah sambil berangan2.. tapi him-who-i-shouldnt-reveal dah pesan, 'berangan xpe, jgn lupe study'

baik! ayuh! kayuh! berlabuh! eh takleh takleh.. baru nak berlayar, dah nak berlabuh. jgn!


| cant get enough of you |

::: 2022 and its near end

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