19 October 2009

::: >>> My Walk Home

yuhu! alhamdulillah abg aku dah selamat bertunang smlm. gmbr2 dari Syuk, the photographer, belom siap editing lagi. if ada updates, aku post in the blog later ok?

eh btw, ni nk tunjuk 'haunted street' yg aku lalu if pegi to or balik from gym.. sungguh boleh terkucel if tibe2 ada sesuatu muncul dari blkg.. utk menyedapkan hati yg gundah gulana, slalunye aku pasang mp3 kuat2, xpun aku buat2 joging (actually nak sampai cpt ke rumah)..

the endless walk

haaaa satu lagi.. glass fav aku kan dah rongak mggu lepas, so aku pegi memburu a new cute glass. ngape ek kena beli lagi? sedangkan aku ada je 1 set pinggan mangkuk of 12 pieces + 4 glasses. but still, kena beli 'a proper' fav glass. aku buang tebiat ke?

artistik bukan? yeah!

tapi aku puas hati ngn this new glass! murah tu yg penting tu! GBP2 je. tinggi lampai. boleh masuk microwave, oven, freezer, fridge, sume boleh! incik sabarudin pun kate chantek.. *wink wink*


| fear comes due to imagination |

::: 2022 and its near end

It is near the end of 2022.  It really goes by at a blink of an eye. This year started with hope - loadssss of it. And I thought this year w...