27 February 2009

::: >>> My Journey Home

hi everyone. so i guess this will b my last post before i fly home to malaysia in 5 hours time. i'll b reaching malaysia (kuching, to b specific) on saturday afternoon at abt 2 pm.

1stly, i really want to say million thanks with hugs n kisses to all my friends (my batch, really); amelia, sara, terry, airil, adeq, fathi, raj, sarah, vic, (layin too altho she wasnt in Leicester), plus lily (my batch-to-be) for the great yesterday.. it's been quite a while since we last do things together & yesterday was a superb fun..!

im goin to miss u guys - talking about stupid shits, anak2 bertimbun yg perlu ambik attendance while naik bus mini, mkn landak, paru2, cengkerik & belalang.. good Lord, it was so fun to talk about those damn random stuffs! i love u guys when u all are around..


& guess what, next week u guys gonna b my seniors! & u are 1 year away from becoming doctors! hopefully i will follow u guys 1 year afterwards. insyaAllah. i pray that ur IPE results will come out with flying colours.

but whatever it is, i will come back after summer & we shall resume back our random horrendous hangs out & chit chat.. im goin to miss those awesome days. 4 joyous years of being in the batch, & in a blink of eyes, im 1 year behind. it does take time to accept thing, but i know our friendship will always b there.


last but not least, hope u guys will start ur senior rotation with fresh minds & high drive! (i know! our uni is so f**king zalim!! not giving any proper break before AND after exam!!) u guys will b fine.. u've done ur best & now its time to pray for the best outcome..

& to all jwg.cc's frens, thx too for all those support & encouragement. i guess i will b back soon after im a bit settle in malaysia..

to everyone, have fun! & may ur days ahead b as bright as the sunshine (sunshine kt malaysia la kn,, sunshine kt UK ni, ada sunshine pun mgigil jugak.. buat rugi je.. hehe)

take care..

| ...and then it is time to follow our separate ways |

25 February 2009

::: >>> My Self-Treat

ada beberapa hari lg b4 aku blk mesia. aku rase kt mesia nnt aku akn jarang buat posting, so smntra ada kt cni, aku post smpai krem tgn.. ok? tp korg yg mbace plak (aku tau byk kaki singgah je tp xbace pun.. mls ek? standard. hahaha) jgn smpai buta. kang dh buta, sape nk bace? susah2 aku taip wei!

hari ni, lps jmpe doktor pg td, aku pn bercita2 nk pusing2 town. lgpn ats saranan doktor jugak. dia nk aku kuar berjalan2 utk dptkn tenaga & kekuatan semula.. jd dgn melangkah yg nak xnk, muke bengang kt sume org, aku pn g jenguk town. dh lame xshopping sakan mcm dlu2..

jd aku yg tgh serabai plus kalut pn xtau nk ke mane. sorg2 plak tu coz dak2 batch aku sume tgh bz ngn revision utk exam kamis ni. dak2 year lain plak masing2 ada kelas. so aku pusing2 1 town but 1 ape pn xjumpe.. rase mcm menemui kegagalan plak. stress!

then aku btekad dlm hati, 'ok arieza, carik something to treat urself well.. today is ur day! kena beli something!'

then masuk TieRack London. beli skinny tie (i love ppl wearing skinny ties!) utk abg aku.. kot2 dia minat nk buang tebiat pakai skinny tie pegi office. then beli 3 pasang scarf utk mama. pstu smbg journey g Debenhams plak beli leather wallet utk papa. mmg dh jd rutin aku, b4 blk mesia, kena beli presents utk each of them. so sakit ke xsakit ke, kena jugak. irresistable. a must is still a must!

& utk diri aku sendiri plak (kena la ada, klu tak rugi je penat kaki jln2 pusing town & agkt shopping bags!), aku hadiahkn diri aku yg dh lame melawan kesakitan ni dgn 50 mls of Bright Crystal Perfume by Versace.. akhirnya.. hampir 1 year aku tggu & now it is mine..!

congratz arieza! but not bad la price dh murah. 50 mls bottle tu dlm 41 pounds. well beli online mmg lg murah, tp sbb dh nk blah dr cni xlame lg, aku takut xsmpat smpai kt aku b4 flight blk mesia weekend ni.

ok then budak2 kaki skodeng, ni je update aku buat mase ni. aku still ada appointments yg byk dgn pihak hospital & medical school. hari2 ada assessment utk check keadaan aku.. skrg aku jd patient lagi skali after operation bln October 2008 aritu.

lgpn skrg ni aku umpama 'bermastautin dlm kotak'.. sbb tgh bz packing brg2, so penuh 1 bilik ni dgn adik beradik kotak yg pelbagai keturunan & size. aku pn makin rimas.. mcm2... haih....


| sabar arieza.. sabar... dugaan.. bertahan! |

24 February 2009

::: >>> My Latest Update

salam & hi everyone...


firstly, sorry sbb suddenly mhilangkn diri. it was a very horrendous experience & time for me. i've been fighting hard to survive (from something that i shall not mention).

so here i am, back again, menyinggah sekejap, just to inform everyone yg want to know (xnk tau, then tutup mata) my current update. (sorry sgt2. aku tpksa bgth secara umum & terus ikut blog je sbb aku xmampu nk menjwb sorg demi sorg bile korg btnye in person.)

btw, im going off to mesia utk berehat lbh krg 5-6 bulan ats sebab2 tertentu yg sgt personal. flight blk ke mesia most probably is on this saturday, the 28th of february. skrg aku bz ckit nk settlekn sume bnda dgn medical school, doctors, sponsor, rumah sewa, family etc. plus kena kosongkn bilik & angkat brg keluar dr cni. so there are so many things on my plate at the moment. hopefully, aku boleh settlekn cpt2 sblm flight blk this saturday.

but then, i will try to visit this blog every once in a while. mgkn ada posting, but not that frequent anymore, unless aku ada something yg interesting utk bitau kt korg. but klu xde ape2 posting pun, mgkn aku akn dtg mjenguk update korg memasing.. either kt mapley aku or kt blog korg.. ok?

so hrp korg tlg doakn agar Allah akn permudahkn segala2nye utk aku. & lancarkn segala urusan aku.. million thanks to everyone yg bertanyakn kabar & mencarik aku. maaf sgt2 sbb aku belom ada kudrat utk bercerita. even belom ada kudrat utk terus bernafas & melangkah..

jd to all of you who's reading this, i wish u all the best in whatever you do. we will keep in touch, won't we? so happy2 sokmo deh...


| frens, i will miss you, definitely! |

21 February 2009

::: >>> Tahukah Si Anak?

bile mak membebel :
hari2 kuar mapley. balik plak tgh2 mlm buta.

si anak mendengus : ala bkn buat ape pun. duduk2 minum & bersembang ngn kwn2 je.

tapi tahukah si anak? : mak pn nk jugak merasa anak2 dia duduk umah, same2 mkn mknan dari air tgn & hidangan dia. mak pn nk jugak anak2 dia duduk umah bersembang sekeluarga..

bila mak membebel : dah 4-5 pagi ni xtdo2 lg? dok ngadap ape la kt tv/game/komputer tu?

si anak mendengus : skrg2nye kita duk umh je xmelilau mcm anak org lain yg hisap dadah, g clubbing, bjudi..

tapi tahukah si anak? : mak tak sanggup tgk anak2 dia xcukup tdo.. bgn pg nk pegi keje/kelas, mata mcm xleh nk bukak. mak kesian tgk si anak blk keje/kelas, muke & satu bdn penat mcm lps merantau satu dunia..

bila mak membebel : muda2 ni toksah la bercinta. bljr dlu smpai pndai.

si anak mendengus : ni bkn zmn dlu2. bcinta time study pn ape slhnye. asalkn pndai bhgi mase..

tapi tahukah si anak? : mak tau yg cinta byk dugaan. mak tak rela tengok si anak bersedey bermuram muka stp kali ada mslh dgn pasangan dia. mak tak kisah klu hbgn tu boleh buat si anak tersenyum & ketawa. tp mak xsanggup tgk si anak menangis kerana cinta.

bila mak membebel : bile eh nk kawen?

anak mendengus : asyik2 soklan yg same.. muda lg ni.. lom bsedia.. kasi hbs enjoy dlu..

tapi tahukah si anak? : mak pun mesti ada terfkir jugak.. tibe saatnye, dia akn menutup mata utk selama2nye.. tp sempatkah dia melihat si anak hidup stabil dlm keluarga sendiri? mak sbnrnye just nk make sure yg bakal suami/isteri tu nnt boleh mjaga makan minum si anak bila dia xda nnt..

mak :
membebel semuanya utk anak2.. igt xpenat ke membebel tu?

si anak : tak faham keinginan mak.. yg dia tau mak suke membebel mcm2..

kesimpulan : klu si anak tak fhm, then tnye lah mak.. xreti2 lg?


| aku suke bile mak aku membebel.. tndanya dia masih sygkn aku |

::: >>> My Collections (edited & repost)

[ click on the image for a better view ]

ini incik kura2 saya yg bernama Incik M _ _ I _


hehe saje je aku ni nk merepek.. nk buang mase korg yg menyinggah nk mbace post aku. sape suh singgah. kan dh mbuang mase..

incik M _ _ I _ ni aku beli sbb nk tmbah koleksi soft toys, bears & anak2 kecik aku.. tp yg dia ni special ckit.. aku leh tarik dia bawak p jln2.. kasi heret sama dia!!!

kaki (roda) dia plak leh dkudungkn bile2 mase.. so time aku rase nk buat dia cacat xde kaki, aku cabut ar.. time nk tgk sempurna sifat, aku pasang blk.. comelnye incik M _ _ I _ ...

(klu la kaki manusia pun leh main cabut2 kan best.. esp yg suke kuar smpai pg buta tu! biar xde kaki. xreti tul nk dok umah diam2.. pdn muke!)

ni plak koleksi anak2 kecik yg aku ada... adik2 badik diorg yg lain byk nuuuu ada kt Mesia.. yg plg besar namanya Cik Tikus, yg hijau namanye Si Montok, yg kuning namanye Si Boncet & yg plg kecik is Incik M * * I *... 4 ketul yg bawah tu plak penunggu tingkap.. tidak bernama - lom buat sijil beranak lg.. tp, mereka hidup dlm harmoni! yeyyy!!

satu lg.. aku suke kumpul keychains. kt bwh ni sbhgian dr keychains yg aku simpan... selebihnye aku bawak blk Mesia dh..

tp keychain Barca akan terbang blk ke Mesia xlame lg *ehem ehem*..
sabar ye incik..


ada byk lg 'benda' yg aku suke 'simpan'.
no no no.. bkn anak ikan!
lenkali aku tunjuk lg..

| merepek meraban dh habis.. sekian.. |

16 February 2009

::: >>> My Rant

here is an issue that i want to blurt out. it's about this blog.

to all readers yg mbaca blog ni, xkira la sekadar membaca kosong, melepak2 nk bkwn, or betul2 nk memahami aku, 1stly biarlah aku be honest.. my blog is NOT ME.. this is JUST A BLOG, a medium for me to say something, tho sometimes it doesn't really fit with what i was/am/will be thinking. sometimes it is just pure rubbish, sometimes you MAY take something from it but just remember one thing, don't you ever BLAME or JUDGE me for what i write here.


lain org lain tujuan diorg start blogging. but each of us is different. we ARE different tho u might guess that we do share something in common. but NO, we are NOT the same!

whatever yg aku tulis/post kt cni, isn't to illustrate WHOEVER I AM in my real life.

i do welcome any comments or critics.. especially on topics yg aku post dlm label 'My 2 Pennies Worth' sbb posts dlm tu are mostly about facts.. utk kita bljr same2, utk kita discuss certain issues yg agak controversial (at least bg aku bnda tu controversial)..

mknanye, klu korg smpai nk mkn dalam dgn ape yg aku tulis, aku rase baik korg elakkan. klu korg terasa dgn ape yg aku post or ape yg aku response blk for whatever comments u've given me, aku minta maaf awal2. tp toksah la korg smpai nk berdendam ye adik2 abang2 pakcik2 makcik2 sume.. buang karan je..

so to conclude, THIS BLOG ISN'T DESCRIBING ME! u can never know me as a whole thru this blog, sorry.. this is just ain't me...

| im just trying to have fun |

15 February 2009

::: >>> The Rhythm - Lily Allen

Lily Allen - The Fear
(UK Singer)

Lily Allen - The Fear

Found at skreemr.com

"I want to be rich and I want lots of money
I don't care about clever I don't care about funny
I want loads of clothes and fu*kloads of diamonds
I heard people die while they are trying to find them

And I'll take my clothes off and it will be shameless
'Cuz everyone knows that's how you get famous
I'll look at the sun and I'll look at the mirror
I'm on the right track Yeah I'm on to a winner"

this song hits the number 1 in The UK Top 40 Singles for 2 weeks now, i guess. dia born in 85 (wah sebaya kita beb haha). she started to expose her self-composed songs through myspace dgr ceritanye. well, nowadays mcm dh jd trend. dh btimbun indie singers, especially, show their talents via websites (youtube, myspace, itunes etc) then dikejar kefamousan.. hebat hebat..

anyway, this song has quite a strong meaning if kita faham. basically, we shudnt live with fear to what others' might say about us. klu cenggitu, mati xmelangkah ke mane2 la kita gamaknye.. bak kate my friend, Arjuna, kt status YM dia - no one can defeat us before we defeat ourselves.

| don't let the fear takes control |

::: >>> Instinct or Consciousness?

Instinct - practical insights towards human behaviour. bak kate mak jah kat kpg sblh, this is NALURI MANUSIA.

do you trust ur instinct? ke korg rase instinct ni kdg2 'mainan perasaan' je? dlm daily life kita, otak kita ada conscious (sedar) & subconscious (inilah yg kita panggil instinct or separa sedar) parts.

Conscious - otak kita slalu pakai this part mostly on complex decision-making. most of us believe that to make a big decision (e.g. nk kawen umo 26 ke umo 30?), kita kena fikir dlu baik buruknye kn? kena timbal balik the pros & the cons.. xkn la kita yg selama ni xbfkir lgsg bab2 'family ni, tibe2 arini terus decide & kate nk kawen esok kot. mau beroyan makayah dikejenye..

Subconscious - bnda2 ni slalunye bnda2 simple.. amik cth, time2 tghari, perut lapar dh bunyik tarian naga. then kt dpn mata ada roti canai & karipap. so tugas subconscious otak kita adalah utk decide yg mane satu perlu kita terkam dlu.. (xkn la lapar sgt smpaikn rembat dua2 tu masuk mulut skaligus kot. tu bkn lahap, tu dah rakus namanye!)

actually, most psychologists said that it's better to follow your instinct when kita nk buat big decision. this sounds really mad but experts said that from most of their studies & experiments, kbykn dr 'typical human beings' mbuat keputusan yg TEPAT whenever dia TIDAK bfkir pjg ttg bnda yg dia nk decide tu. lg dia fkir, lg salah plak keputusan yg dia akn buat nnt..


diorg kate instinct (subconscious brain) adalah lg advanced drpd conscious brain. instinct kita dh 'siap2 buat decision' jauh lbh awal sblm otak kita mule bfkir ttg baik buruk sesuatu bnda tu.

hmm, so adakah conscious brain kita ni sekadar menjadi 'pak turut' kpd instinct kita..? sungguh pelik.. kn? klu xfhm, sile la jgn tnye aku.. tnye pacit gugel yg leh tlg carikkn results experiments psychologists tu..

tp frankly speaking, aku pecaye jugak bab2 instinct ni (but not 100%).. especially bab NALURI IBU. yg tu toksah lawan ar.. mmg aku sungguh amazed dgn ke-power-an seorg ibu..

drpd past experiences aku sndri, stp kali bile aku rase sedey je kt cni, rase pilu di hati, sayu di hiris sembilu.. 2-3 minit lps tu, for sure mak aku akn call or at least bg msg.. cam tau2 je anak bongsu dia ni tgh sedey sorg2 & perlukn teman.. mmg sungguh ajaib.. gerak hati seorg ibu ni, Subhanallah.. hanya Allah je yg tau cmne leh jd gitu..

jadi, korg pecaye ke tak bab2 Naluri or Instinct ni? obviously, stp kputusan yg kita nk buat kita kena fkir baik & buruknye.. tp kdg2, bile dh jd heavy sgt, ada baiknye kita 'just follow the flow'... tp kena beringat! jgn follow the flow smpai hanyut lemas. klu reti berenang xpe. klu terus tenggelam?

| For those who believe, no prove is necessary. For those who don't believe, no prove is possible. - Stuart Chase |

14 February 2009

::: >>> My Addictions

.....to 'someones' & 'somethings'....

The Someones
  • Family
  • Good friends
  • 'someone'

The Somethings
  • Freedom
  • Money
  • 'something'
My 3 Ways To Recogniz That Addiction
  • i cant stop talking about 'it'
  • i cant stop thinking about 'it'
  • i cant stop 'dreaming' about 'it'

| just to let You know, that You might be that 'someone' |

13 February 2009

::: >>> The Rhythm - SFG

Scouting For Girls - It's Not About You
(UK Indie Band)

Scouting For Girls - It's Not About You

Found at skreemr.com

"She said its not about you
it's not about you, it's me
She said it's not about you
it's not about you, it's me

And sometimes its good
sometimes its bad
but living with you, well it's driving me mad
And sometimes its good
sometimes its bad
but living with you is, well it's becoming a drag"

well for those yg in love.. read the full lyrics of this song. it's true that Love is sweet, but only when it comes with tolerance & understanding, respect & dignity.

Love is not about 'You' and nor is about 'Me'. it's about 'Us'

| how can you love someone, if you can't love yourself first? |

11 February 2009

::: >>> Histrionic-kah anda?

Histrionic Personality - someone who is excessively emotional and is an attention-seeker.

secara melayunye, manusia histrionic ni adalah org yg kuat emo & suke mencapub (tau ke mencapub tu ape? xtau sile tnye.. haha)


org2 yg dlm kategori histrionic ni, dia ada certain attitudes yg sungguh obvious kita boleh kenal.. tgk hidung je kita leh tau, 'hah sah budak emo!'

some of them are:
  • constantly seeking reassurance or approval - cth 1: bile nk kuar dating, dia smpai 18 kali tnye kt mmber, 'ok ke tak klu aku pakai baju ni?'.. ya ampun! dh lenguh mengangguk and ckp 'lawa je baju tu', xreti2 lg ke bai? cth 2: lps dia masak & dia jamu kita mkn, dr mule kita menyuap mknan yg dia masak tu, smpai la kita dh lapar balik sbb mknan dh hbs terhadam pun dia still lg nk tnye 'eh sedap tak aku masak td? sure eh?' kes kes..
  • dramatics - cth 1: duduk umh sewa ramai2 ngn mmber. 1 mlm mmber tegur, 'leh pelankn ckit tak radio pls. nk tdo ar. lgpn dh lewat'.. pergh lps tu dia emo xhengat! dia mmg akn pelankn vol radio tu tp dlm hati smpai kecik ht 2-3 hari.. blom ada org tegur suh dia berenti bckp.. klu tak, mmg naya. 3 tahun makan dalam.
  • self-centredness - cth 1: dok menyembang kt mapley, smbil tgk bola The Blues tgh kena belasah dgn WBA.. bile dia nk bukak mulut je dia ckp, 'weh weh, dgr ni weh... bla bla bla'... stp kali nk bukak citer, sure kuar statement tu dlu.. sbbnye? dia nk make sure sume bagi 100% focus kt dia b4 dia start mroyan baban bcerita.
  • floated opinions - erti kata lain: xde pendirian yg tetap. cth 1: kwn bernama A kata, 'citer Borat ni lg best dr cite Little Man'. dia pun kate, 'tu ar kn. Borat best giler weh'.. pstu kwn bernama B plak mnyampuk, 'eh ape plak. aku tgk Borat tu story line mcm longkang'.. dia mencelah jugak, 'betul jugak ape ko ckp tu. baru aku pasan'. haa org histrionic ni, dia kejap ke sane kejap ke mari.. tp dia xleh nk bg back up reason nape dia bertukar pendapat (tp mmg both cita Borat & Little Man xbest tahap tong sampah!)
tp in conclusionnye, org histrionic ni, ada rase INSECURITY yg sgt tebal.. rase xselamat.. rase sume bnda xcukup.. rase sume benda akn jadi xkena.. emo emo..!


are YOU one of the Histrionics?

xcukup secured? carik pakgad macam aku

::: >>> When All Is...

when all is black
it's like the night
where we stay silent

when all is white
it's like the canvas
where we see the purity

when all is blue
it's like the sky
where birds fly high

when all is green
it's like the earth
where creatures live together

when all is red
it's like the blood
where lives are unworthy

| by Arieza : when arieza is senget, she is really senget |

10 February 2009

::: >>> Mercy Killling?

EUTHANASIA - the act or practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition, as by lethal injection or the suspension of extraordinary medical treatment.

MERCY KILLING, as what they called it. tp klu kita org melayu sure akn pggil bnda ni 'mintak bunuh diri'.. & hukumnye utk Muslims, adalah berdosa, kn?

meh kita compare certain situations plak. yg aku rase kdg2 a bit confusing..

situasi 1
>>> sakit mmg parah. xleh bckp, xleh bjln. mkn, berak, mandi pun org lain tlg buatkn. tp still boleh bernafas sndri. xbgntung ngn machine. cuma macam mayat hidup. hidup segan mati tak mahu..
>>> doc kate mmg no chance utk pulih. mksdnye dia akn hidup mcmtu je la smpai tibe ajal yg tah bile akn tibe..
>>> patut ke doc agree je if patient tu sndri mintak dhentikn nyawanya? tunaikn? sdgkn dia masih lg dtakdirkn utk bernafas sndri. literally hidup tp tak berfungsi..
>>> ok yang gini aku faham. sah2 mmg berdosa..

situasi 2:
>>> org dah mmg parah. dh xleh bnafas sndri. bgantung ngn machine je utk hidup.. tekan switch off, sure 'pergi'.
>>> klu nk fkir2, ikutkn kita yg actually dh melawan ajal. tak gitu? sbbnye klu kita xletak machine tu, patient tu dh sure xbnyawa.
>>> tp kita plak mandai2 cucuk machine tu, machine ni.. konon nk buat dia terus bernafas. tak dkira melawan takdir ke?
>>> berdosakah kita if kita switch-off je machine tu? dgn alasan, kita nk 'bunuh' org yg mmg dh 'sepatutnye mati'. tak gitu?

korg ada opinion on that situasi 2? herm.. pelik sungguh dunia ni kn..

Dia dh bagi nyawa, kita nk tamatkn.. Dia nk tarik balik, kita halang pulak?

| only He may give us the mercy |

9 February 2009

::: >>> My Versace

since september last year, i've been thinking of buying a 'Bright Crystal Perfume by Versace'.. kira nk jdkn my 'regular fragrance' ar.. (hoh mcm 'regular prescription' plak bunyik dia)

during that time, the price for a 50 mls bottle was nearly 50 pounds.. OMG! dh la time tu conversion rate mmg agak gile babas. so aku kebumikn dlu impian setinggi awan aku tu..

then last month ke last 2months klu xsilap ingatan aku yg pendek ni, parents aku p jakarta. punye turun naik mcm2 jenis shopping malls kt sane, payah benar aih nk jumpe jenis yg aku nk tu.. siap awek2 Indo sebut Versace bunyik macam 'basache'.. kaw2 makayah aku jd confuse..

last2 jmpe kt airport jakarta b4 blk. tp hrga lg mahal plak dr kt UK ni. ape kes? igtkn brg2 kt sane leh dpt hrga 'dua singgit dua singgit'! hahaha.. diorg offer nk beli tp baik aku beli sndri kt cni.. (ye tau la.. aku mmg anak yg baik pun.. jgn ar puji2 weh)

pstu ada 'org tu' kate nk belikn utk aku? tp katenye nk kena tggu aku blk mesia dlu.. boleh plak gitu? dhtu smntra aku nk tggu blk mesia ni, aku nk sembur gune spray mane? room freshener sembur kt baju? boleh ek? wangi jugak kn? betul betul! pndai...!

td bile aku godek2 kt tenet, hrga perfume ni dh jadi 25 pounds for a 50 mls bottle. wah wah! menarik ni! sungguh credit crunch kt UK skrg ni.. exchange rate pun dh turun bergolek.. so ape lg arieza! cpt! baik! lps exam sure kena g 'Versace-hunt'!

eh ape2pun.. ehem ehem... perhatian utk insan2 yg murah hati..


duhai scandal-scandal & non-non scandal sekalian (gei-gei & LesB-LesB aku skali). ala 30 mls pun jd la, for a start.. ceh.. sape2 bagi aku Versace, aku masuk minang dia 2bln lg..!

klu boleh hantar skali ngn 'seutas' or 'sepasang' Tiffany, best gak tu

8 February 2009

::: >>> My Crazy Moment

slps stgh jam beradu tenaga try nk concentrate bace buku, akhirnye, aku tumpas..
tumpas di tgn 'kebosanan' dan 'kemalasan'...
oit oit stgh jam tu dh kira baik tau!
jadi ape lagi! sesi bersenget bersama 2 kanak2 ribena di webcam..!
(wah wah sape yg 2org tu? sile la mengaku! speku speku!!)

  • senget ke hape?


  • sah gile! dah boleh tempah bilik kt Rumah Bahagia, Tmn Roundabout Jaya dah ni!
| good moments show themselves |

7 February 2009

::: >>> My Stupid Wonder

mau nye aku xgelak sakan.. ko tgk ar gmbr tu..

xboleh dpercayai lgsg Live Traffic ni.. hahaha

sejak bila plak Kota Bharu pindah masuk Negeri Perak?

ke Nizar yg tgh serabut pikir pasal jwtn MB Perak tu dh pegi beli Kota Bharu plak?

ke aku yg baru 1thn xbalik ni dh xtau perkembangan semasa kt Mesia?

guano ni deh? ore KB kecep Perak? dop ley makey budu dah la ek?

  • atas makluman seorg mmber ber-IDkn mnatashah & juga medea dayana, mmg wujud pun Kota Bharu kt Perak. dkt ngn area Matrix Perak katenye
  • atin kate dekat ngn Gopeng, quite close to Ipoh
  • nk tau lbh lanjut, tnye cekgu Geografi masing2..
well, thanks mnatashah, medea & atin.. sungguh 'andai ku tahu' wujudnye Kota Bharu kt Perak...
see, my stupid wonder rupenye is a true fact..

| Leicester, Sarawak |

::: >>> My Icy World

smnjk last week, d whole UK dlanda ribut salji.. experts said, this is d worst snowfall ever in 18 years history of d Great Britain..

frankly speaking, aku xsuke sgt snow ni. time dia baru turun melimpah dr langit tu mmg best ar. & bila snow baru je bergelimpangan kt atas jalan, mmg still best lg. leh golek2 mcm tenggiling kt atas snow tu..

tp yg tak best is, when dia dh mula melting. pakai la kasut ape pun, probability utk jatuh gedebuk tu mmg tetap ada.. klu nk yg plg selamat, pakaila kasut bola yg ada studs bape ketul tah kt tapak dia tu.. pergh mmg grip xhengat ar.. (grip grip jugak, klu kena bahan, make donno je la kn..)

above are couple of pics yg aku amik pg smlm. tu dlm residential compound ktorg. agak2 sape2 yg nk tempah sekilo dua snow dr cni, boley gak.. sekilo RM28 je.. termasuk shipping dah tu..

btw, they forecasted that this horrible weather will continue for a few more days. but hopefully, it will stop before monday... sbb aku ada assessment on monday tu (tp klu snowfall makin teruk pun ok gak ape.. xyah blk northampton yg buhsan tu.. alangkah bahagianya!)

| dlu snow turun masa Christmas.. skrg dia turun around CNY & Thaipusam? oh Pacit Santa, jgn sedey ye.. |

6 February 2009

::: >>> My Trial

since everyone has been talking about how dull my friendster blog is, so i guess it's time to give blogspot a try.. jadi blogspot, u shud serve me well!

if by any chance, that u step into this 'under-construction' blog, hope u cud just bear with me for a while coz im still doing some re-codings of the default template.

well, since IT is not really my thing, it may take some times perhaps. yeay, noob remains as noob ek? hehe..

so here it is, my new blog. but it is d same 'me'.

| what new is never really new |

::: 2022 and its near end

It is near the end of 2022.  It really goes by at a blink of an eye. This year started with hope - loadssss of it. And I thought this year w...