10 February 2009

::: >>> Mercy Killling?

EUTHANASIA - the act or practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition, as by lethal injection or the suspension of extraordinary medical treatment.

MERCY KILLING, as what they called it. tp klu kita org melayu sure akn pggil bnda ni 'mintak bunuh diri'.. & hukumnye utk Muslims, adalah berdosa, kn?

meh kita compare certain situations plak. yg aku rase kdg2 a bit confusing..

situasi 1
>>> sakit mmg parah. xleh bckp, xleh bjln. mkn, berak, mandi pun org lain tlg buatkn. tp still boleh bernafas sndri. xbgntung ngn machine. cuma macam mayat hidup. hidup segan mati tak mahu..
>>> doc kate mmg no chance utk pulih. mksdnye dia akn hidup mcmtu je la smpai tibe ajal yg tah bile akn tibe..
>>> patut ke doc agree je if patient tu sndri mintak dhentikn nyawanya? tunaikn? sdgkn dia masih lg dtakdirkn utk bernafas sndri. literally hidup tp tak berfungsi..
>>> ok yang gini aku faham. sah2 mmg berdosa..

situasi 2:
>>> org dah mmg parah. dh xleh bnafas sndri. bgantung ngn machine je utk hidup.. tekan switch off, sure 'pergi'.
>>> klu nk fkir2, ikutkn kita yg actually dh melawan ajal. tak gitu? sbbnye klu kita xletak machine tu, patient tu dh sure xbnyawa.
>>> tp kita plak mandai2 cucuk machine tu, machine ni.. konon nk buat dia terus bernafas. tak dkira melawan takdir ke?
>>> berdosakah kita if kita switch-off je machine tu? dgn alasan, kita nk 'bunuh' org yg mmg dh 'sepatutnye mati'. tak gitu?

korg ada opinion on that situasi 2? herm.. pelik sungguh dunia ni kn..

Dia dh bagi nyawa, kita nk tamatkn.. Dia nk tarik balik, kita halang pulak?

| only He may give us the mercy |

::: 2022 and its near end

It is near the end of 2022.  It really goes by at a blink of an eye. This year started with hope - loadssss of it. And I thought this year w...