24 February 2009

::: >>> My Latest Update

salam & hi everyone...


firstly, sorry sbb suddenly mhilangkn diri. it was a very horrendous experience & time for me. i've been fighting hard to survive (from something that i shall not mention).

so here i am, back again, menyinggah sekejap, just to inform everyone yg want to know (xnk tau, then tutup mata) my current update. (sorry sgt2. aku tpksa bgth secara umum & terus ikut blog je sbb aku xmampu nk menjwb sorg demi sorg bile korg btnye in person.)

btw, im going off to mesia utk berehat lbh krg 5-6 bulan ats sebab2 tertentu yg sgt personal. flight blk ke mesia most probably is on this saturday, the 28th of february. skrg aku bz ckit nk settlekn sume bnda dgn medical school, doctors, sponsor, rumah sewa, family etc. plus kena kosongkn bilik & angkat brg keluar dr cni. so there are so many things on my plate at the moment. hopefully, aku boleh settlekn cpt2 sblm flight blk this saturday.

but then, i will try to visit this blog every once in a while. mgkn ada posting, but not that frequent anymore, unless aku ada something yg interesting utk bitau kt korg. but klu xde ape2 posting pun, mgkn aku akn dtg mjenguk update korg memasing.. either kt mapley aku or kt blog korg.. ok?

so hrp korg tlg doakn agar Allah akn permudahkn segala2nye utk aku. & lancarkn segala urusan aku.. million thanks to everyone yg bertanyakn kabar & mencarik aku. maaf sgt2 sbb aku belom ada kudrat utk bercerita. even belom ada kudrat utk terus bernafas & melangkah..

jd to all of you who's reading this, i wish u all the best in whatever you do. we will keep in touch, won't we? so happy2 sokmo deh...


| frens, i will miss you, definitely! |

::: 2022 and its near end

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