22 June 2009

::: >>> My Jiggling Week

another week.

futsal, BBQ, shopping, dinner with family, cuci mata, kenduri-kendara. mujur la bkn stp mggu gini.. kalau tak, leh koyak poket aku!


BBQ tu my fren, Cik Umie, yg organized sempena belated birthday dia. it was held at her house on the 19th of June, last thursday. mostly girls yg invited, maklumlah geng2 chantek! hahaha tolongg....!!! chantek tp x reti nak memanggang ayam, boleh ke? kesudahannye, makan la ayam yg tiga suku masak tu duhai akak2 jelita semua..

(klu ada ala2 shot ghost hunter, siap ada asap2 berjerebu dlm certain pictures, sila la anda jangan cuak & kecut perut ek.. itu adalah hasil pencemaran asap pembakaran ayam...)


then on the 20th morning, we made a trip together to a fren's house, Cik Lynie. it was her engagement day! wooooo.. saya sungguh jeles! but im very happy for her!! congratz dearie..


after merosakkan majlis orang, we all went to starbucks, melepak2 sambil transfer gmbr2 yg hundreds in total, from camera to laptop.. again, tima kasih digital camera!


saturday nite, kuar berpoya2 dgn parents smpai tgh mlm. sunday pagi2 dh bgn, kena pegi Kpg Kuap plak. ptg sunday tu pulak, terkezut baban coz my brother involved in an accident.


Alhamdulillah, he himself xde ape2 but his car was totally in bizzarre condition. 2 cars & 2 motorcycles (5 persons) were involved in that incident. one died on the spot. takziah to the family.

at this moment, the police is still investigating this matter & aku pun xnk cite pjg kat cni, kang xpasal2 pak polisi carik aku.. but kesian kat keta abg aku yg tidak bersalah itu.. sungguh kejam manusia zmn skrg! bertindak terburu2 ikut perasaan sgt!


well, still busy helping my family to sort out all the insurance, police & personal issues. will update again fellas!

| manusia makin lama, makin ramai yg xde akal.. |

::: 2022 and its near end

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