10 June 2009

::: >>> My One Day Picnic

pagi2 celik mata, terus sambar 3 ketul budak kecik (mira, rina & anuar) utk join aku & geng2 sekolah menengah pegi picnic.

kononnye plan nak bercanda di tepi pantai. tapi hasrat kami tidak dipenuhi kerana Rainforest Resort tak benarkan guests bawak makanan masuk.. ade ke patut! haih! nk masuk 5 star hotels pun leh bawak self foods tau!


dengan penuh kiciwa, kitorg yg seramai 15 orang patah balik & follow the opposite way.. what a journey! dari one end of Kuching, to another end.. we went to Matang Family Park. not a beach anyway, but still, better than beach!!! tak panas! yey!

so, let the pics speak for themselves!






around 5 pm gitu kitorg berangkat pulang ke kandang & sangkar masing2.. tapi yg paling aku tabik hormat is to Eka, yg sanggup amik cuti for this trip! yeah! ponteng is the way babeh...!


after hantar 3 ketul budak kecik tu balik, aku pun dengan bersemangatnye kemas2 beg & pakaian basah.. x smpai an hour later, aku collapse dengan senang hati kat depan tv.. best...!

will upload more pics later (if any.. hehe)

| sweet old memories... |

::: 2022 and its near end

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