16 March 2011

::: Repost : The Bliss, Aku Sudah Di Malaysia Lah!

Original Published Date: 7/7/2010
Mode for NOW: Reminiscing the decision.


(kau bijak? teka la. ape ni??)

Hello adik-adik manja sekalian. Kau datang sini meroyan, kita sama-sama meroyan. Kalau kau datang carik bahan, sila-sila rajinkan tangan. Well, mari bercerita. It has been a too long of a mystery. Right! The truth, the facts, the memory. Thank you so much for those yang concerned about me. Aku hidup lagi. Syukur.

Sekarang aku ada kat Malaysia. Yang tau, tau, Yang tak tau, sekarang dah tau. Reason? Well, ask my parents because they wanted me back. Lol. Undeniably, for good reasons, that I wish I can see better as time flies.


Ape-ape pun, di sini aku. Sudah menapak di Bumi Malaysia. Balik kepada tanahair tercinta. Panas? Oh memang panas. Tapi 'panas' lagi di dunia luar. Jauh dari segala. But still, aku bersyukur atas segala pengalaman yang telah Dia bagi aku rasa. Cukuplah. My parents dah cukup terseksa. Apetah lagi aku sendiri. Semua memori suka duka di sana akan aku jadikan sebuah cerita. Liku kehidupan yang penghujungnya adalah mati.. Apa yang dah jadi, Allah lebih mengerti. Pasti.

Kembali ke negara asal, tapi environment yang totally berbeza.. Sekarang aku di Hospital Sibu, tengah buat 4 major postings. Until tahun depan. 8am till 5pm, memang super pack. Jauh beza dengan dunia kat UK. So here I officially announce that I am now back home in Malaysia. For good. Yes people, for damn good, for fucking damn good.. Not that I regret this decision, but I guess what my parents decided, was, is and will be the best for me. InsyaAllah.

Well, pusing sana, pusing sini, Medic jugak. Peningnya makin bertambah. Entahlah. What difference does this transfer make? I don't know yet. For the time being, I can only see all those 'messy-unsettled-things' piling up in my list. Semoga Arieza terus melangkah dengan tabah.

I believe, He knows me best. What others can't see in me, I know Allah sees it definitely. Be you my enemies, be you my friends, be you my forgotten memory, remember I am still me.


Updated paragraph(s):
Perhaps, I am already seeing a few of the good reasons of that big decision.


| only He knows best |

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