dah hari rabu dah pun! woho! krg dr 20 jam lg parents aku arrived kat London.. yihaaa!!
perasaan? to be frank, agak risau.. sbb ni 1st time diorg buat long journey - 13 hours of non-stop flight. semoga diorg selamat sampai.. dah mcm2 tips aku bagi kat diorg. makan aspirin for my dad, pakai compression stockings for my mom, etc.
bila aku dah learnt so many things about risks & complications of long journey & after dah tengok byk patients suffer kat hospital due to those, aku jadi terover kalut.. jgn la ada apa2 yg buruk terjadi kat diorg b4, while on & after the journey.. insyaAllah...
the more we know, the more worried we get kan? *sigh*
i just called them few secs ago. they said it is bright & clear in KLIA. hopefully cuaca maintain camtu.. so that x la bumpy sgt while they are in the plane later on. kat cni pun hujan baru je berenti but still very windy. should be fine kot..
so nyah2 semua yg membaca posting ni, doakan parents aku tiba kat cni dengan selamatnye, ok? tq!
aku bertolak from Leicester to London kul 5 ptg nnt. pagi still have to attend class. benci!!!! tghari plak ada appointment utk ambik swine flu jab. afterwards, harap2 dpt blah awal dari hospital & kemas bilik then off to bus station for London Stanstead.
sblm itu, kita tdo dulu! ZZZZZzzzzzzzz.....
| Ya Rabb, please protect them. Amin. |