10 April 2010

::: Bila Aku Mengomel...


Tu dia... Jarang sangat ye aku bukak entry dengan pembuka kata semulia itu. Di bawah ni entry pasal Si Lubang Jamban. Punya keji la kan? Tapi this entry aku berputar 155 darjah.. Baik sedikit.. Alhamdulillah.


Motif? Tiada. Memang tiada. Actually aku ingin mengomel sendiri.

Pengomelan Pertama
10th April 2010. Hari ni 27th wedding anniversary of my parents. Dah 27 tahun diorang mengharungi kehidupan suami isteri. Dah 26 tahun mencurah kasih sayang pada Abang. Dah 25 tahun memberi kemanjaan pada Aku si anak bongsu. Banyak dugaan tapi InsyaAllah, Allah telah dan akan berikan keluarga kami kasih sayang, bahagia, rezeki dan redha yang secukupnya. Siapa tak lekang dek masalah? Itu cuma propa pujangga. Hakikatnya, sudah 27 tahun mak ayah aku jatuh bangun bersama. Selamat Ulang Tahun yang ke 27!!

Sayang mak! Sayang bapak! Mau hadiah? Sila tuntut dari Abang. Abang will akad nikah this coming August, so ask Abang & kakak ipar to dapat anak secepat mungkin. Alamak, dia bakal cucu pertama. Adakah kedudukan aku akan tergugat?~


Pengomelan Kedua

Pengomelan Ketiga
I have a friend, knowing him since 6-8 years back. He once had a girlfriend which I knew ever since we started being friends. Back then, I knew their brief history, and I really prayed that they gonna last forever. Sadly, it was not their destiny. He moved on and found new love. Silently, I disapproved the new girl. Why? I just couldn't explain.. I guessed I was the one who hasn't move on yet. Probably because I couldn't put aside my dreams & wishes for them to stay in their immortal love. Then I realized that it is his life, thus it is him that has to make the decision. Surrender, I had.

Somehow, lately I have been sneaking through their hard parts in the new relationship. Weird though - I feel numb, or is it an 'unexplainable-happiness'? Shit! Knowing that the one I disapproved selfishly faces problems and obstacles, therefore my gut feels in some sorts of 'winnings'?

Fuck! I hope I will not be the bitch who later on will shout 'Nahh, you see! I told you so!' to him. Oh friend, how I wish you had choose the right person although the nosy me said no. Ignore me if your gut instinct says so. I just want to see you happy.

Pengomelan Keempat
Aku lapar! Dalam perut ada banyak tempat kosong...


| hidup berteka-teki |

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