31 August 2009

::: >>> My Independence Day?

the date comes again! 31st august 2009. Happy Independence Day, Malaysians!

shout whatever slogans u wanted to shout. Satu malaysia? hmm... ye ke?~

btw, hari ni last aku berbuke pose ngn family di Malaysia. my 6 months of medical leave, has comes to its end. too sad to say Goodbye everyone..


ape2pun, aku puas hati. sepanjang 6 bulan aku di sisi family, aku mula sedar & mengerti tentang corak kehidupan (perghhhh). byk yg aku belajar, even setiap kali aku kuar berpoya2 bershopping sakan pun, aku akan learnt something new about the reality.. complicated, yet interesting.

well, mak aku sempat buatkan kek lapis fevret aku. Evergreen! air tangan mak aku mmg sentiasa sedap lagi2 kalau air tangan dia tumpah kat kek lapis.. korang nak rasa? meh turun KLIA! hihihihihi..

mlm last ni aku luangkan masa happy2 dgn family - makbapak aku, pakcik makcik, anak2 pakcik makcik, makcik umah sebelah, anak makcik umah sebelah, sume pun join membuat pencemaran bunyi bersama2.


main mercun dum dam dum dam & mengejar kanak2 ribena sambil mengacukan mercun ala2 rambo mengejar komunis.. seronoknye la jadi budak2 kan? tak payah nak fikir pasal 'kena fly off to another country!'


arghhh!! tidak!!!!

ptg td aku dah start packing sikit2. then lepas terawih aku bergumbira bermain dum-dam-dum-dam-bunyi-mercun-yg-kalau-pak-polisi-tau-aku-gerenti-kena-gari. nearly midnite, baru aku start balik keje punggah memunggah barang2 ke dlm 2 ketul beg gedabak yg akan aku heret balik Leicester esok. seksa!!!


spt kebiasaan & dah jadi hobby aku, menculik kanak2 ribena utk menceriakan suasana.. aku dok bz packing, diorg dok bz testing barang2 aku. alang2 dah diorg gatal, aku suh posing ckit..

Rina yg boyish a bit tu pun aku dah jelmakan jadi lady-like! yg paling tak bleh blah, Anuar aku dah transformkan menjadi 'alahai nyahh' hahahahha.. just for fun ok!

now, diorg bertiga ni tengah sooodapppp amat berdengkur kroh kroh krohh atas katil empuk aku. aku pulak yg kena tendang, tdo kat atas tilam atas lantai. rezeki rezeki... molek utk menguatkan tulang temulang belakang! selamat mencuba~

esok, my flight from Kuching to KLIA will be at 12.45 pm. flight from KLIA to Birmingham, UK will be at 00.55 am. midnite sakan tu weh! 8 jam kat KLIA, ape mau bikin? bikin bodoh?

anyway, thx to all friends yg sudi berbuke puasa & melepak rabak ngn aku that nite. great fun together! jmpe lg next year!

to all family members, your love & support are too tremendous!

and now, i am speechless~~~


| it continues.. |

29 August 2009

::: >>> My Habib!

well, shud i mention here? i guess yes!!!

my brother is getting engaged this coming october! insyaAllah.. but sadly, i wont be in Malaysia.. katanye nk buat live broadcast utk aku.. tune in to CNN!! hahahaha koya artis la sgt siap CNN pun nk buat coverage.. tapi dunia dah canggih.. webcam is everywhere! use it people!

anyway, the story for today isnt about his engagement day. but it is about his & his girlfriend's gift to me! whoaaa!!

nak kata langkah bendul, tak jugak.. aku ke abg aku yg nk bertunang ni? aku pulak yg dpt prezie! hoooray! bestnye jadi adik bongsu yg cute & baik..


thanks abg & sis for the great Habib's Bangle.. loving it!

hermm,, menarik bukan? pengajarannye,, jadilah adik bongsu yg best seperti aku.

diorg bertunang, aku boleh dpt Habib's. diorg kawen nnt, agak2 aku boleh dpt Tiffany & Co. tak? *ehem ehem*


| 2 days to go..~ |

27 August 2009

::: >>> My Sweet Moments

holiday is nearly over. enough said.. *wuwuwuwuwu*

this coming monday, on the 31st ogf August i will be flying back to Leicester, UK.. longggggg journey to go...


the few days remaining in Malaysia, were, are & will be filled with great memories. that is a promise to myself, at the very least!

ahad aritu, i.e. 2nd day of fasting, aku culik lagi 3 ketul kanak2 ribena. as usual, Mira, Rina & Anuar. alasan yg aku bg kt parents diorg is, 'ala nk balik UK dah, xlame lg nk main2 ngn bebudak'. sungguh syahdu kan excuse aku. of coz parents diorg kasik anak2 diorg tdo ngn aku, bersahur & berbuka same2. arigato!

well, seperti biasa juge, aku sumbat diorg ngn mcm2 mknan. eh, time sahur & berbuka la dol! diorg sume pose penuh tau.. buat malu je kalau korg yg dah tua beruban & berbulu tu tak pose! hoh!

aku layan diorg sampai diorg xlalu dah nak bangun g terawih. kesian kesian..


after berbuke, aku bawak diorg lari pi guardian sambil ronda2 town & main spelling bees dalam keta.. dah balik, layan game kat laptop beramai2.. then kitorg main mini-bowl kat bilik aku. sampai mak aku bising paksa bebudak tu tido!

time tdo memang kitorg bergelimpangan atas katil. 4 org berselerak atas katil double bed. best best! boleh buat diorg jadi bantal peluk.. yeehaa..


then sambung pulak game 'gila babas' after sahur. aku suruh each of them buat action, then another 2 left will have to guess on the action. tah ape tah nama sebenar game tu. aku kelentong bebudak tu, aku tibai cakap nama game tu game 'gila babas'. maunye diorg tak menggila! cramp perut aku tengok diorg jadi bisu.. adeh la budak..

bilik aku yg selalunye kemas tidy neat superbly (ehem ehem!) pun jadi gila berselerak dek diorg 3 ketul ni. tah mcm2 barang diorg angkut masuk bilik aku..

ape2pun, memang syiok.. sedih jugak bila aku teringat yg aku kena balik UK dah.. makin lama bercuti, makin payah nak tinggalkan family. selalunya cuti sebulan or 2 bulan je. but this time, aku cuti 5 bulan. memang sangap Malaysia di hati beb!!!!


cukup ar this post. aku update lg esok. ada byk benda nak citer. well, have a good night rest everyone!

| Malaysia! Malaysia!! Malaysia!!! |

21 August 2009

::: >>> My Ramadhan Wishes

Ahlan-wasahlan ya Ramadhan! salam Ramadhan utk semua Muslims!

esok bermulalah detik 1 Ramadhan. Alhamdulillah, to the Muslims, we are still blessed by him, to meet this holy month again. bagi aku, mmg best sbb aku dapat jugak merasa berpuasa at least 9 hari kat malaysia. this will be my 4th Ramadhan away from my homecountry.


tell you what, fasting in other country has damn different environment in comparison to that in my home sweet home, Kuching and/or Malaysia.. Lord, kat Malaysia, setiap ceruk ada bazaar Ramadhan. klu everyday toksah masak pun mmg boleh sgt!

but then if kat rumah, my parents gerenti kejut for sahur. kat UK sane pulak, xde nye aku nak bersahur.. mata aku suke carik pasal ngn aku! dia xnk mengikut perintah dowh. time sahur tu la mata aku makin tertutup rapat.. dah terbiasa dah kot, so xde la lapar kemaruk longlai sgt eventhough aku tak bersahur sekalipun.

yg paling syahdu, klu kat Malaysia lepas berbuka puasa, hati rasa tenang je dengar laungan azan & suara syahdu dari surau2 & masjid2. bebudak tadarus, tarawikh beramai2, ada yg dum dam dum dam main mercun. mmg syok teramat..


bukan takat tu je, bukak lah mane2 channel kat TV, setiap minit ada iklan pelbagai produk utk berbuka puasa! rancangan masak memasak kuih muih & biskut2 pun bertimbun2 kat every channels..

pergh mmg leh buat perut menangis la kalau kita tgk iklan & program2 tu time tghari.. bukak radio pun sama gak.. paling syok, iklan kurma Yusuffff Tayyobbbbb (sila membaca sambil berbisik ok!).. Ramadhan sungguh di Bumi Malaysia...


well, enough of reminding the great celebration of Ramadhan in Malaysia & thus putting massive pressure on myself... shetttt! but it is fine, mane2 je aku berada, Malaysia terchenta tetap di hati!

beribadah tetap sama di sisi-Nya walau kita kat dalam perut buaya sekalipun.. setiap pahala itu akan Dia kira.. kan kan kan? *ehem ehem ehem*

mlm ni aku ajak parents & abg aku balik to Kpg Kuap. coz aku dah lama tak merasa malam Ramadhan di kampung.. suasananya amat unexplainable! alang2 dah ke sana, nak membersihkan kawasan kubur arwah atuk, nenek & sedara mara dari sebelah ayah. hari ahad pulak, aku plan nak ziarah pusaka sedara mara dari sebelah mak. insyaAllah..

so to all Muslim friends, Happy Ramadhan Mubarak! kaki2 pengepam asap rokok, kaki2 sumbang mahram, kaki2 kutuk mengumpat, kaki2 ape2 ajelah yg boleh menambahkan berbakul2 dosa setiap hari, jadikanlah bulan ini satu permulaan utk memperbaiki diri kita ye anak2 sume. peringatan utk aku juge!!


some non-Muslim friends pun ada jugak yg ambik kesempatan di bulan ni utk berpuasa.usually diorg xmakan but allow themselves to drink. so i wish them happy fasting too! it is a good practice to put ur digestive system to rest for a while..

puasa, jangan tak puasa tau! buat malu kat bebudak tadika je karang! bukak tudung periuk takpe, tapi jangan bukak tudung anak tekak & suruh dia menelan sebelum tiba waktu Maghrib..


| i love Ramadhan!!! |

19 August 2009

::: >>> My Mr Right

i went thru Cik Effy's blog and found out about Personality Test!

that sounded fun at that moment... i took several of them.. terseronok pulak mengenali diri secara factual.. terkesima jugak when 80% of the results really symbolizes my personality..

bukan la nak kate benda2 gitu boleh kita percaya, but it is a way to have fun.. a matured thinking will look at it as a learning process in which we try to critisize ourself & try to become a better person than what is predicted. kan kan?


so here we go! (jgn smpai ternganga tau bai bile baca these things regarding my MR RIGHT TO BE... hikhikhikhik....

How will you choose your Mr Right?

You will make the most of being able to shop around for Mr Right. You love your freedom and will have a lot of fun learning about what sort of man you like. When you do find the guy for you, nobody will be able to keep you away from the church.

Who will be your future Mr Right?

Your real-life hero will be manly. He'll be dependable, even financially. He will protect you and always respect your feelings. He'll probably be quite a bit older than you.

When will you get married?

You will be very determined and thorough in choosing a spouse. You'll study every detail about your man before saying yes to a life of love. You will eventually make a good choice, but you'd better be sure that he's willing to wait that long.

What sort of wife will you be?

If your hubby is crazy enough to ask you to do silly things, you may as well have fun with him. You'll make a fun-loving wife.

Will you and your husband have a good time together?

You and your hubby will enjoy each other's company playing games until you're old. Whether you play tennis, golf, swim or even just go driving out of town, you'll both stay healthy and happy.

What will your children be like?

Your kids will be very naughty. They will often get into trouble but you will have a great time bringing these fun-loving kids up. They are lively and smart.

How loyal are you?

You are a cool chick! You pretend not to care about the many men you attract, but they just keep coming back for more. When you are married, you won't be a loyal kind.

yg paling tak tahan tu, YOU WON'T B A LOYAL KIND!


like i said earlier, dont ever put ur 100% trust in this factual test. funny tho, coz i founded myself as really obsessed towards my beloved ones! wah! statement!

ape2pun, sape2 yg terasa nk mencuba this test, try it HERE

| haunting for My Right!! |

18 August 2009

::: >>> My Early Wake Up

di suatu pagi yg hening, tapi matahari sudah terpacak tinggi dikelilingi kepulan awan & debu2 jerebu...

talipon zmn batu : kringg kringgg!!!! kringg kringgg!!!
arieza : duh! kacau betul! pagi2 tpon dah berbunyi'.

dgn mata yg penuh tercemar, aku bangkit dari katil & menuju ke ruang tamu tingkat atas..


abang : dik, mak suruh ambik Mira kat sekolah. demam. cikgu suruh balik..
arieza : eihh.. macam2!

dengan berbekalkan baju tidur masyam berwarna merah, seluar paras lutut berwarna hijau, (oh sungguh kalerful merah & hijau!), aku terus ambik kunci kereta.. tanpa rasa gundah gulana, aku rembat je mane2 selipar.

keta myvi penuh calar : tett tettt (pintu unlocked)

tiba tiba...

makhluk : meowwwww meowww....
arieza : eh... ming, syuhh syuhhh. lari! aku nk reverse keta!

dengan muke selamba si makhluk itu buat derkkkk je kat aku! siap posing gaya lentok manja bawah keta..

arieza : amboi! ko ingat aku nk buat photoshoot ngn engko?

then aku melutut tepi keta, dengan hajat di hati nak takutkan si makhluk tu dengan muka sembab aku yg baru bangun tdo.

makhluk : meowwwwwwwwww.....

wah! makin pjg pulak meowww-nye tu! aku dengan suka hati membabab kepala kucing itu...

arieza : lari la woi.. aku nk reverse keta ni.. kang tak pasal2 ko jadi arwah..

dia buat derk lagi! berani mati betul si makhluk ni! dengan kesabaran yg kurang ada di awal pagi (pukul 10 kira awl lg ek?), aku bukak selipar.......

selipar Nike berwarna merah : dushhh dushhh dushhhh.... piappp piappppp...
arieza : hambekk ko! tunjuk samseng ngn aku ek? kan dah kena... baru nk lari terkinja2..

si makhluk pun melompat terkejut lari seperi beruk berwajah kucing... tapi aku bukan katuk dia la nyah... jgn risau! aku bkn kejam.. aku rembat selipar kat atas lantai je. kasik telinga kucing tu bernanah..

dah selesai pertengkaran dengan kucing, aku masuk dalam keta.. start enjin...

arieza : (berkata di dalam hati - eh aku tak gosok gigi lagi ek?). lalalalala~~~ (menyanyi lagu bukan superman!)


tanpa segan silu, aku reverse keta & menuju ke destinasi.

arieza: jgn bercakap ngn sapa2 tau arieza... (sambil tersengih dengan mata sepet)

| org kata, air liur basi leh buat ubat tau! org kata la, bukan aku! |

16 August 2009

::: >>> My Few Days Left

tinggal smggu lbh je lg. then im off to UK again.. haih.. bila la nk hbs bljar ni.. mcm endless!

btw, utk memanfaatkan saki baki cuti aku, aku prefer spend of my days with my family & close family & friends. semalam, aku g culik 2 anak pmpuan aunty aku yg tggl kat lorong blkg taman perumahan ktorg ni, utk temankan aku berpoya2..

eh eh, tlg jgn buat spekulasi ok! aku bkn paedophile!!! aku hanyalah pencinta kanak2 ribena. tapi kena jaga2 jugak, bila mood aku terumbang ambing, kanak2 pun aku leh baham nyah..

anyway, aku culik diorg berdua & sorg lg anak mak usu aku yg mmg dah slalu jadi tetamu tak diundang umah kitorg (sbb umah dia sebelah umah aku je).. ptg2, aku sumbat diorg ngn buah2an smbil2 menjadi commander memberikan arahan kpd diorg. aku kan pemerintah kuku kepala besi berani mati!

bermanja2 smbil diorg touch-up kuku aku. ala. bkn menyeksa pun!

then mlm tu aku layan perut diorg lg.. mkn KFC smpai perut diorg xda ruang2 kosong dah.. aku pulak mencuci mata la time tunggu diorg main kat playground area KFC tu.. peluang beb peluang!

itu papan gelongsor ke katil?

Mira with the webs

Rina, the girl who is tougher than a boy!

after tu, balik umah. aku ajak diorg tdo skali ngn aku. aku on laptop kasik diorg layan Jgn Pndg Blkg Congkak.. yg sengal nye bebudak ni, tengok cite ngok ngek tu pun leh menjerit meraban.. alahai la budak.. belom tengok aku bertukar jadi makcik hantu lg!

baru intro, steady lg! maklumlah, bilik pun terang lg..

tu dia! sampai menghumbankan kepala kat bantal! siap tutup telinga!
sembunyik celah2 teddy bear!

diorg layan seram, aku layan mata la, ape lg! terbungkang tdo... sedar2 je dlm kul 12.40 tgh mlm. aku ingatkan gempa bumi! rupe2nya bebudak 3 ketul tu goncang badan aku macam goncang pokok kelapa nk bagi buah dia jatuh! diorg nak bitau yg diorg dah habis tengok citer tu.. kacau betul! baru nk mimpi jmpe Obama, dah terjaga suruh aku offkan laptop..

ape2pun, mmg seronok layan kepala ribena..

| kids, always! |

12 August 2009

::: >>> Never

it is so damn hard to smile everyday.. to everyone..
but i cant tell someone, or at least anyone.
to share this feeling that i hold deep within.
it is easier to make others happy.
but is it that easy to be happy for myself?

when tears mean nothing.
when laughter means everything.
i am buried alive by the guilt in me.
so scared that i can only fall asleep when birds are already free.
to share is hard, but to listen, i always will.
i rather feel anything.
but i wont let my loved ones lost that one thing.
happiness it is.

no one understands, never tell, i will.


| i tend to say that I am O.K. can anyone really close see?? |

10 August 2009

::: >>> My Fullest Joy

hari berganti hari... *sigh*

my holiday is going to be over soon! 20 days left.. im using them to the fullest!! hahahaha... ketawa syaitooonnnn...


btw, another fren of mine, from my secondary school, engaged with her dream guy ystrdy.. OMG! this year is the year of weddings + engagements! im happy for everyone's happiness..


semoga aura2 keberkatan majlis diorg, terpercik ckit kat aku.. alahai.. sungguh bahagia dunia ni, bila diikat dgn ikatan yg sah.. best!! (wah! mcm aku pulak yg dah merasa nikmat ikatan tu hahaha sengal!)

congratz Hanafrey & Emyza!

the make-over by The Stage, Spring, Kuching

itik di dpn itu telah ber-accident dgn saya pada hari kejadian!

eka, gmbr utk ejen pencarik jodoh, katenye!

bebudak ni bawak bekal dowh! xleh nk tunggu time mkn dah..

lps mkn, mkn lagi...?

oh well,, on that same date, another fren of mine was celebrating her 24th bithday! Mirawati Sahib...... anyone looking for a proper partner? but make urself prepared for daily life arguments!! kidding!

5 of us headed to the Bing! Coffee.. mini celebration.. kasik chance kat dia melahap lg.. (boleh ke dikira 'kasih chance' if she herself mmg nk pegi mkn lagi?)

happy birthday hunny! welcome to the club..

at the Bing! Coffee

lasagna.. sblm dikerjakan oleh Mira & the girls...

Lord, scary! we are 24.. most frens of mine are already with someone.. i repeat, ALREADY with someone..! aiyohh...


lol.. did i sound pathetic in that previous statement? oh please say no! wakakakakak.... i have someone on my mind, but i guess it is not the right time yet. future isnt here yet.. keep on running for ur dreams, hunny bear arieza! yeyyy!!

gtg now! woot woottttt..

| berpoya-poya itu nikmat, especially when ur holiday is nearly over! |

::: 2022 and its near end

It is near the end of 2022.  It really goes by at a blink of an eye. This year started with hope - loadssss of it. And I thought this year w...