27 August 2009

::: >>> My Sweet Moments

holiday is nearly over. enough said.. *wuwuwuwuwu*

this coming monday, on the 31st ogf August i will be flying back to Leicester, UK.. longggggg journey to go...


the few days remaining in Malaysia, were, are & will be filled with great memories. that is a promise to myself, at the very least!

ahad aritu, i.e. 2nd day of fasting, aku culik lagi 3 ketul kanak2 ribena. as usual, Mira, Rina & Anuar. alasan yg aku bg kt parents diorg is, 'ala nk balik UK dah, xlame lg nk main2 ngn bebudak'. sungguh syahdu kan excuse aku. of coz parents diorg kasik anak2 diorg tdo ngn aku, bersahur & berbuka same2. arigato!

well, seperti biasa juge, aku sumbat diorg ngn mcm2 mknan. eh, time sahur & berbuka la dol! diorg sume pose penuh tau.. buat malu je kalau korg yg dah tua beruban & berbulu tu tak pose! hoh!

aku layan diorg sampai diorg xlalu dah nak bangun g terawih. kesian kesian..


after berbuke, aku bawak diorg lari pi guardian sambil ronda2 town & main spelling bees dalam keta.. dah balik, layan game kat laptop beramai2.. then kitorg main mini-bowl kat bilik aku. sampai mak aku bising paksa bebudak tu tido!

time tdo memang kitorg bergelimpangan atas katil. 4 org berselerak atas katil double bed. best best! boleh buat diorg jadi bantal peluk.. yeehaa..


then sambung pulak game 'gila babas' after sahur. aku suruh each of them buat action, then another 2 left will have to guess on the action. tah ape tah nama sebenar game tu. aku kelentong bebudak tu, aku tibai cakap nama game tu game 'gila babas'. maunye diorg tak menggila! cramp perut aku tengok diorg jadi bisu.. adeh la budak..

bilik aku yg selalunye kemas tidy neat superbly (ehem ehem!) pun jadi gila berselerak dek diorg 3 ketul ni. tah mcm2 barang diorg angkut masuk bilik aku..

ape2pun, memang syiok.. sedih jugak bila aku teringat yg aku kena balik UK dah.. makin lama bercuti, makin payah nak tinggalkan family. selalunya cuti sebulan or 2 bulan je. but this time, aku cuti 5 bulan. memang sangap Malaysia di hati beb!!!!


cukup ar this post. aku update lg esok. ada byk benda nak citer. well, have a good night rest everyone!

| Malaysia! Malaysia!! Malaysia!!! |

::: 2022 and its near end

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