10 August 2009

::: >>> My Fullest Joy

hari berganti hari... *sigh*

my holiday is going to be over soon! 20 days left.. im using them to the fullest!! hahahaha... ketawa syaitooonnnn...


btw, another fren of mine, from my secondary school, engaged with her dream guy ystrdy.. OMG! this year is the year of weddings + engagements! im happy for everyone's happiness..


semoga aura2 keberkatan majlis diorg, terpercik ckit kat aku.. alahai.. sungguh bahagia dunia ni, bila diikat dgn ikatan yg sah.. best!! (wah! mcm aku pulak yg dah merasa nikmat ikatan tu hahaha sengal!)

congratz Hanafrey & Emyza!

the make-over by The Stage, Spring, Kuching

itik di dpn itu telah ber-accident dgn saya pada hari kejadian!

eka, gmbr utk ejen pencarik jodoh, katenye!

bebudak ni bawak bekal dowh! xleh nk tunggu time mkn dah..

lps mkn, mkn lagi...?

oh well,, on that same date, another fren of mine was celebrating her 24th bithday! Mirawati Sahib...... anyone looking for a proper partner? but make urself prepared for daily life arguments!! kidding!

5 of us headed to the Bing! Coffee.. mini celebration.. kasik chance kat dia melahap lg.. (boleh ke dikira 'kasih chance' if she herself mmg nk pegi mkn lagi?)

happy birthday hunny! welcome to the club..

at the Bing! Coffee

lasagna.. sblm dikerjakan oleh Mira & the girls...

Lord, scary! we are 24.. most frens of mine are already with someone.. i repeat, ALREADY with someone..! aiyohh...


lol.. did i sound pathetic in that previous statement? oh please say no! wakakakakak.... i have someone on my mind, but i guess it is not the right time yet. future isnt here yet.. keep on running for ur dreams, hunny bear arieza! yeyyy!!

gtg now! woot woottttt..

| berpoya-poya itu nikmat, especially when ur holiday is nearly over! |

::: 2022 and its near end

It is near the end of 2022.  It really goes by at a blink of an eye. This year started with hope - loadssss of it. And I thought this year w...