4 February 2010

::: Holler - Now Scream My Name!!

i got tagged by RuffEmo and here i am, entertaining your eyes with another to-the-ground list.

- Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc on shuffle mode.
- For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
- You must write that song name down no matter how silly it sounds.

If someone says 'are you okay?', you say?
- Mobile (Avril Lavigne) : memang mood aku tengah sangat mobile a.k.a swinging sekarang.

How would you describe yourself?
- Satu tekad (UNIC) : determined - certainly.

What do you like in a guy/girl?
- The Perfect Fan (Backstreet Boys) : incik Macha, anda peminat setia saya tak? ggrrrr~

How do you feel today?
- I Believe Love Will Find A Way (Blessid Union of Souls) : *blushing, sambil pandang incik macha*

What is you life's purpose?
- Promises (Lilix) : indeed, i make promises to myself everyday. and i will keep them all.

What is your motto?
- Skankin' In Love (Corumn 80's) : i am learning to put the 'joy in life', coz life equals love.

What do your friends think of you?
- Dia Maha Sempurna (Ungu) : kamu semua pendusta!

What do your parents think of you?
- Sayang Giler (Boy) : haruslah kan.. dah kate aku anak bongsu, dari 2 beradik je pulak tu!

What do you think about very often?
- More Than A Feeling (Boston) : incik Macha kate saye terlalu critical thinking. i do agree. even the song proves so. coz i think about everything. TQ incik macha kerana sgt bersabar dengan saya ini. sila beri tunjuk ajar.

What is 2+2?
- Cinta Untuk Selamanya (Sayap) : hoh maaflah. dulu cikgu maths aku ajar formula yg susah2 je. takat tambah tolak ni, terlalu senang dia kata. inilah kesannye..

What do you think of your bestfriend?
- Lost and Confused (Lilix) : incik Macha is the one. at times (probably most of the times), he is very confused when comes to my arguments. and again, very sorry dear..

What is your life story?
- Somewher In My Past (Il Divo) : you will know me better if you learn about my past.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
- For The Nights I Can't Remember (Hedley) : argh! takmo jadi nyanyok bila dah tua.

What do you think when you see the person you like?
- Now Why (OAG) : becoz incik Macha punyer facial expression is such so variable. boleh jadi ketam, boleh jadi keling, kadang-kadang jadi jibek. oh skrg saya yg confused! but this is what keeps me smiling (dalam hati ropol-ropol aku pun ada taman.. iye! benar..)

What will you dance to at your wedding?
- Ingin Bersamamu (Syafinaz) : tapi kita remix jadi rentak joget, boleh tak? baru Melayu beb!

What will they play at your funeral?
- Kerna Kau (Mus) : kerana Kau lebih sayang arieza, sbb tu Kau panggil arieza pulang..

What is your hobby/interest?
- Crashed The Wedding (Busted) : sangat jitu! ini hobby aku & kwan-kawan aku. pegi kacau bilaukan & meroyan kat kenduri orang. ini kira macam matlamat wajib dicapai if pergi kenduri okay!

What is your biggest fear?
- Live And Learn (The Cardigans) : oh please no. i know i am stubborn, but i will definitely learn. and sekali lagi to incik Macha, trust me that i will.

What is your biggest secret?
- Anyone Else But You (The Moldy Peaches) : alahai comelnye.. memang HE is my secret.. korang tau sape dia incik macha itu? presiden amerika? raja negara bersiong?

What do you want right now?
- Rock Your Body (Justin Timberlake) : teramat perlu pergi ke gym kembali sebelum tenaga sekeras batu dahulu menjadi sayur sawi yg layu.. haih..

What do you think of your friends?
- Obat Hati (Ebith Beat A) : they all are.

What will you post this as?
- Holler (Spice Girls) : faham ape mksd holler? to shout out loud @ jeritan @ terpekik terlolong. agaknye korang dah sakit buah pinggang membace tag ni kan? maka sekarang, jerit nama aku kuat-kuat.. cepat!!!~


sepatutnye aku kena tag orang lain, tapi aku memang selalunye tak reti nak tag sape-sape. dah jadi tabiat kot. so sape-sape yang berminat, sila la rajin-rajinkan diri menjawab sambil menyanyi. kita enjoy sambil syok sendiri!

| jika sudah terasa pening-pening lalat akibat entry yg panjang ini, sila jangan muntah di sini |

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