10 February 2010

::: Jom Pegang-pegang Tangan

enuf of the emotional turns. back to the real business! sorrow is damn everywhere. but lets enjoy the sorrow. shall we?

ape korang ingat happiness je yg kita boleh enjoy? even the struggles pun kita can have fun out of them. now i am starting to trust my guts - this is what i have choosen, then this is what i will enjoy and go thru. i will. incik macha, kita pimpin tangan erat-erat, kita walk forward sama-sama ye sayang!

u jatuh, i tarik. i jatuh, u tarik. u tolak, i tolak balik. best kan.. sambil-sambil jatuh, kita main tolak-tolak. tak salah having fun when we are down. untuk arieza, untuk incik macha. sila kuat!! takdir itu kerja Dia. kerja kita is untuk berusaha!

kalau dulu-dulu atuk nenek slalu pesan - time gembira jangan sakan sangat, karang esok lusa menangis pulak.. so ni aku nak tambah sikit - time sedih biar happy-happy jugak, mane tau esok lusa kita tak sempat nak senyum lagi.

incik macha rindu nak tengok kami jadi gila-gila dan happy macam dulu kan? kesian incik macha.. now im back hun! tho not in a full gear, but still, im ready to smile!


dear, sorry if i overlooked your needs. perhaps im too selfish, demanding for my needs to be fulfilled that sometimes i forgot that you need it too. im sorry sayang. and now, i will walk alongside you.

left right left right left right! maka ayuh kita berangkat! ke bilik mandi! hooray!


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