15 January 2010

::: >>> My Craves!


aku rindu main bowling!
(2009 Crystal Superbowl - Kuching)

aku rindu pegi paintballing!
(2008 Skirmish - Nottingham UK)

aku rindu berpoya2 di concert! (2008 Simple Plan Concert - Birmingham UK)

aku rindu my happy bunch of girlfriends!
(2009 Matang Family Park & Liny's Engagement Day - Kuching)

| hampeh ko hbz! ye aku perempuan! hati pink pekat tau~ |

::: 2022 and its near end

It is near the end of 2022.  It really goes by at a blink of an eye. This year started with hope - loadssss of it. And I thought this year w...