11 January 2010

::: >>> Pergi by Aizat.. Poodah???

AJL dah tamat. surely jap lg, ramai yg buat review pasal the winners.. ini layak. itu tak layak..

well. typical bukan? hihihi. aku bukan nak buat siaran ulangan. aku just nak kate yg aku berpuas hati that the song Pergi by Aizat won the AJL. congrats to Pergi, Dan Sebenarnya & Bencinta plus Black.

from my opinion, the melody for the song Pergi was superb & the lyrics was emotionally written. mengikut falsafah aku (yg penah la jugak belajar music sekerat jalan di London International School of Music dlu), 'a beautiful song can always give u goosebumps.'

damn! sangat benar.. setiap kali aku dengar lagu ni & membayangkan kisah duka lara yg lama, boleh meremang bulu roma dowh. tegak setegak-tegaknya! sgt touchy. to leave & to be left.. is equally hard.


ada insan2 creative buat statement yg lagu Pergi ni akan ada version India pulak, tajuk dia is Poodah... ye ke nyah? sengal! but ape2pun, english version for lagu Pergi, yg bertajuk I Go is what i prefer the most!

have i mentioned that this post is a 'from my opinion' view??

| i dare not live without melody~ |

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