3 January 2010

::: >>> My Sour Coffee

badan menggigil.
hujan renyai2.
argh!!! perut lapar~
menuju ke dapur.
menjerang air.
ambik my fav glass.
half-teaspoon of coffee powder.
2 teaspoons of fine sugar.
tuang air panas tiga suku penuh.
ambik semi-skimmed milk.
tuang susu secukup rasa.
kacau kacau kacau..
ermm.. baunye amat sedap.
meh rase sikit...
eh.. eh.. masammm??
cittt.. susu sudah basi......!!


| hari ni aku kempunan starbucks coffee! kenapa susu ibu xpenah basi??? |

::: 2022 and its near end

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